单词 =翻译
单词 =翻译单词 =翻译...
paragraph.Range.Text = Word + " = " + Translation;
object boldStart = paragraph.Range.Start;
object boldEnd = paragraph.Range.Start + Word.Length;
Word.Range boldPart = document.Range(boldStart, boldEnd);
boldPart.Bold = 1;
这正是我想要的,但是如果集合中有1000个项目,则大约需要10秒,而如果数量为10k +,则需要更多时间.然后,我使用StringBuilder并设置了document.Content.Text = sb.ToString();
然后我转而使用Open XML SDK 2.5,但是即使阅读了msdn文档,我仍然不知道如何仅使文本的一部分变为粗体,而且我也不知道是否可以设置PageLayout Columns数数.我唯一能做的就是使它看起来与Interop.Word相同,但只有一列且创建时间不到1秒.
我应该为此使用Interop.Word还是Open XML(或可能结合使用)?有人可以告诉我如何正确编写此代码,这样如果集合相对较大,就不会花很长时间吗?任何帮助表示赞赏. :)
OOXML首先可能令人生畏. http://officeopenxml.com/anatomyofOOXML.php 有一些很好的例子.每当您感到困惑时,请解压缩docx并浏览其内容以查看其操作方式.
如果您具有 pseudo 代码可以帮助您入门. rel ="nofollow noreferrer">已安装SDK
var templateRegex = new Regex("\\[templateForWords\\]");
var wordPlacementRegex = new Regex("\\[word\\]");
var translationPlacementRegex = new Regex("\\[translation]\\]");
using (var document = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true))
MainDocumentPart mainPart = document.MainDocumentPart;
// do your work here...
var paragraphTemplate = mainPart.Document.Body
.Where(p=>templateRegex.IsMatch(p.InnerText)); //pseudo
//... or whatever gives you the text of the Para, I don't have the SDK right now
foreach (string word in YourDictionary){
var paraClone = paragraphTemplate.Clone(); // pseudo
// you may need to do something like
// paraClone.Descendents<Text>().Where(t=>regex.IsMatch(t.Value))
// to find the exact element containing template text
paraClone.Text = templateRegex.Replace(paraClone.Text,"");// pseudo
paraClone.Text = wordPlacementRegex.Replace(paraClone.Text,word);
paraClone.Text = translationPlacementRegex.Replace(paraClone.Text,YourDictionary[word]);
paragraphTemplate.Parent.InsertAfter(paraClone,ParagraphTemplate); // pseudo
// document should auto-save
I have an observable collection with a class that has 2 string properties: Word and Translation. I want to create a word file in format:
word = translation word = translation
word = translation word = translation...
The word document needs to be in 2 Columns (PageLayout) and the Word should be in bold.
I have first tried Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.PageSetup.TextColumns.SetCount(2)
sets the PageLayout. As for the text itself I used a foreach loop and in each iteration I did this:
paragraph.Range.Text = Word + " = " + Translation;
object boldStart = paragraph.Range.Start;
object boldEnd = paragraph.Range.Start + Word.Length;
Word.Range boldPart = document.Range(boldStart, boldEnd);
boldPart.Bold = 1;
This does exactly what I want, but if there are 1000 items in the collection it takes about 10sec, much much more if the number is 10k+. I then used a StringBuilder and just set document.Content.Text = sb.ToString();
and that takes less than a sec, but I can't set the word to be bold that way.
Then I switched to using Open XML SDK 2.5, but even after reading the msdn documentation I still have no idea how to make just a part of the text bold, and I don't know if it's even possible to set PageLayout Columns count. The only thing I could do was to make it look the same as with Interop.Word, but with just 1 column and <1sec creation time.
Should I be using Interop.Word or Open XML (or maybe combined) for this? And can someone pls show me how to write this properly, so it doesn't take forever if the collection is relatively large? Any help is appreciated. :)
OOXML can be intimidating at first. http://officeopenxml.com/anatomyofOOXML.php has some good examples. Whenever you get confused unzip the docx and browse the contents to see how it's done.
The basic idea is you'd open Word, create a template with the styling you want and a code word to find the paragraph, then multiply the paragraph, replacing the text in that template with each word.
Your Word template would look like this:
Here's some pseudo code to get you started, assuming you have the SDK installed
var templateRegex = new Regex("\\[templateForWords\\]");
var wordPlacementRegex = new Regex("\\[word\\]");
var translationPlacementRegex = new Regex("\\[translation]\\]");
using (var document = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true))
MainDocumentPart mainPart = document.MainDocumentPart;
// do your work here...
var paragraphTemplate = mainPart.Document.Body
.Where(p=>templateRegex.IsMatch(p.InnerText)); //pseudo
//... or whatever gives you the text of the Para, I don't have the SDK right now
foreach (string word in YourDictionary){
var paraClone = paragraphTemplate.Clone(); // pseudo
// you may need to do something like
// paraClone.Descendents<Text>().Where(t=>regex.IsMatch(t.Value))
// to find the exact element containing template text
paraClone.Text = templateRegex.Replace(paraClone.Text,"");// pseudo
paraClone.Text = wordPlacementRegex.Replace(paraClone.Text,word);
paraClone.Text = translationPlacementRegex.Replace(paraClone.Text,YourDictionary[word]);
paragraphTemplate.Parent.InsertAfter(paraClone,ParagraphTemplate); // pseudo
// document should auto-save