我正在尝试在另一个控制器(ForEach OR Loop或其他任何控制器)中使用交错控制器,以便在交错控制器下执行每个采样器(即HTTP请求)一次,并且测试一次退出外部"控制器最后一个采样器完成了.
I am trying to use the interleave controller inside another controller (ForEach OR Loop OR any other) such that each of the sampler (which is HTTP request) under Interleave controller is executed once and the test exits the "outer" controller once the last sampler is done.
test plan
--Loop controller ( with loop count = num of requests in Interleave Controller)
----Some test elements
----Interleave Controller
--------HTTP requests (count = n, with some differences)
----Some More test elements
The test plan is to test multiple test scenarios of a lot of REST services (having some changes in the request data etc) so some services might have 2 scenarios some might have 10.
Thus is there any way of getting the number of samplers under the interleave controller ? OR a better design to my test plan.
看看交错文档,因为它很好地解释了它的工作方式以及每个迭代执行的一个采样器从上到下的方式.如果您只希望随机执行一个采样器(每次迭代 ),则可以使用随机控制器.
Have a look at the interleave documentation as it explains nicely how it works and how one sampler, going from top to bottom, is executed per iteration. If you want only one sampler executed randomly (per iteration) you can use the random controller.
Note: Those controllers don't stop by them selves if all children have been executed. They start all over again. If you want to stop you have to add different logic to make that happen.