I have been doing TDD and was using it more as unit testing than to drive my design. Recently I have read a lot about BDD; now that I have a better idea about them both, I was trying to figure out how to use BDD and unit testing concurrently.
例如我会使用BDD,丹北作风带动我的设计,并让说我工作的一个应用程序,我有一个简单的规格,我实现它。我刚刚够BDD /规格来覆盖它。现在我已经经过重新分解,并很高兴,它的传递完成了对该规范,我应该开始编写单元测试,以涵盖所有可能的输入,因为这是我在TDD做?
For example I would drive my design using BDD, Dan North style, and lets say I am working on an app and I have a simple spec and I implement it. I have just enough bdd/spec to cover it. Now after I've re-factored it and am happy and it's passed as done for that spec, should I start writing Unit tests to cover all possible inputs, because that's what I did in TDD?
I am the only developer in the company and everything is on my shoulders, although the other team do try to manual test the app, I would like to lower the defect rate.
拿起RSpec的书。该书采用黄瓜和放大器; RSpec的。可以很容易地黄瓜和放大器; NUnit的或别的东西,但。黄瓜BDD延长了红,绿,重构的理念更深一层。
Pick up "The RSpec Book". The book uses Cucumber & RSpec. Could easily be Cucumber & NUnit or something else though. Cucumber and BDD extend the red, green, refactor concept a level deeper.
http://www.pragprog.com/titles/achbd/the- RSpec的书
黄瓜: http://cukes.info/
RSpec的: http://rspec.info/
NUnit的: http://www.nunit.org/
JUnit的: http://www.junit.org/
Cucumber: http://cukes.info/
RSpec: http://rspec.info/
NUnit: http://www.nunit.org/
JUnit: http://www.junit.org/