


I have two tables : posts with 10k rows and comments and I need to select all comments for particular numbers of posts in other words implement the pagination by posts table and get all comments thereof. For that purpose I have the next query:

select * from  comments c
inner join (select post_id from posts o order by post_id  limit 0, 10) p
on c.post_id = p.post_id;

对于我来说,查询的性能也很重要.但是此查询的Explain非常奇怪,因为LIMIT子句遍历9976 rows而不是像我期望的那样遍历10行:

Also it is very important for me the performance of query. But the Explain of this query is very strange because LIMIT clause iterate through 9976 rows but not through 10 rows as I expect:


At the same time when I run subquery separately it works great with iterating through 10 rows as expected:

explain select post_id from posts o order by post_id  limit 0, 10

posts(post_id), comments(comment_id), comments(post_id)上还有 indexes .我不知道该查询有什么问题,因此要遍历帖子表中的所有记录.如果有人帮助我解决这个问题,我将非常感激.

Also there is indexes on posts(post_id), comments(comment_id), comments(post_id).I don't understand what is the problem with that query so it iterate through all records in posts table. I will be very thankful if somebody help me with that issue.


9976(vs 10000)已经有所改进-在5.6之前,行"的偏离通常是2的两倍.更准确,更稳定.

9976 (vs 10000) is already an improvement -- before 5.6, "Rows" was often off by as much as a factor of 2. Now the statistics are more accurate, and more stable.


The real answer is "EXPLAIN is less than perfect."

5.7将进行一些改进.同时,我们陷入了"10 vs 9976"之类的谜团.

5.7 will have some improvements. Meanwhile, we are stuck with mysteries like "10 vs 9976".

使用LIMIT时,大多数情况下会损坏.它以另一种方式显示在EXPLAIN EXTENDED的已过滤"列中.

It is mostly broken when LIMIT is used. It manifests in another way in the "Filtered" column of EXPLAIN EXTENDED.


对于MariaDB(版本10.0?),有ANALYZE SELECT ...可以为您提供实际计数.它是通过运行查询,然后将结果集扔出去并保留统计信息来实现的.

With MariaDB (version 10.0?), there is ANALYZE SELECT ... which will give you actual counts. It does this by running the query, then tossing the resultset and keeping the statistics.


08-26 08:12