I found this solution in another website http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/query-returns-first-255-characters-memo-field-t2603141.html:The core if the issue is that Access returns only the first 255 charactersif it has to process the field.That applies if you Group By a memo field (totals query), or if the querydeduplicates records (e.g. it has a DISTINCT or UNION), or if formatting isapplied to the field.Examples of solving the problem:a) If it is a Totals query, you could solve the problem by chosing First inthe Total row under the memo field instead of Group By.b) Use UNION ALL instead of UNION.c) Remove the DISTINCT. (If necessary, you can save the query without thememo, and then build another query on top of that to get the memo.)d) Remove anything from the Format property of the field in your table (orthe Format property of the text box on your form/report.)我从查询中删除了DISTINCT,并且可以正常工作I removed DISTINCT from my query and it works 这篇关于为什么长文本字段在MS ACCESS 2013查询中仅返回255个字符?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-26 07:11