


I'm new at this an essentially have very little idea of what I'm doing.(FYI I'm working off of this tutorial:http://bost.ocks.org/mike/map/)

npm install -g topojson部分。

I'm trying to get topojson to work.I've successfully installed homebrew and node.I've done the"npm install -g topojson" part as well.

然后,当我尝试键入在which ogr2ogr等 - 只是,没有什么发生。

And then, after that, when I try to type in the "which ogr2ogr" etc -- just, nothing happens.He says if having trouble to edit path variable environments. I have only a vague idea of what that means, and not sure if that's my problem or not.


Let me know what other information you need. I really just want to make a map. The global install does seem to have worked. I just don't know what to do from here.


您链接到的教程是一个伟大的起点。我希望我看到它,然后试图把我自己的一切。 :)

The tutorial you linked to is a great starting point. I wish I'd seen it before trying to figure everything out on my own. :)

根据我的理解,你可能错过了安装 gdal 的步骤。

From what I understand, you probably missed the step in which you install gdal. If you're seeing some other errors, please post them in your question.


brew install gdal

b $ b


Here's some background info for you, so you'll get a better understanding of what's going on there.

topojson ogr2ogr 是两个不同的实用程序。 ogr2ogr 是包,在本例中用于从shapefile生成GeoJSON。

topojson and ogr2ogr are two distinct utilities. ogr2ogr is part of the gdal package and in our case is used to generate GeoJSON from a shapefile.


TopoJSON is used to compress the rather large GeoJSON output from the previous GDAL conversion. It reduces redundancy by specifying paths with arcs rather than discrete points. It's pretty neat, actually:

这两个步骤( shapefile - > GeoJSON - > TopoJSON )的输出将是一个容易被JavaScript解释的JSON字符串。你需要在你的绘图代码中使用topojson转换回GeoJSON来实际绘制地图。

The output of these two steps (shapefile -> GeoJSON -> TopoJSON) will be a JSON string which is easily interpreted by JavaScript. You'll need to use topojson in your drawing code to convert back to GeoJSON for actually drawing the map.

var subunits = topojson.object(uk,uk.objects.subunits);


08-26 04:10