git add shells / zsh / keyboard_configs /
git add shells / zsh / references /
git add shells / zsh / keyboard_configs / *
git add shells / zsh / references / *
git add shells / zsh / keyboard_configs / *< TAB>
git add shells / zsh / references / *< TAB>
git add。
git status
$ git status〜/ bin
#(使用git add< ; file> ...包含在将要提交的内容中)
#shells / zsh / keyboard_configs /
#shells / zsh / references /
没有添加任何提交但未跟踪的文件存在(使用git add来跟踪)
$ git add shell / zsh / keyboard_configs〜/ bin
$ git add shells / zsh / references 〜/ bin
$ git status〜/ bin
#(使用git add< file> ...来包含将要提交的内容)
#shells / zsh / keyboard_configs /
#shells / zsh / references /
没有添加提交但未跟踪文件存在(使用git add跟踪)
Git says to use
git add
to add untracked files to my repo.
I have run unsuccessfully
git add shells/zsh/keyboard_configs/
git add shells/zsh/references/
git add shells/zsh/keyboard_configs/*
git add shells/zsh/references/*
git add shells/zsh/keyboard_configs/*<TAB>
git add shells/zsh/references/*<TAB>
git add .
I still get that the files are untracked when I see it at
git status
How can you git-add files at long PATHs?
I run
$git status ~/bin
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# shells/zsh/keyboard_configs/
# shells/zsh/references/
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
$git add shells/zsh/keyboard_configs ~/bin
$git add shells/zsh/references ~/bin
The following is what is unexpected. I would expect that I added the folders to be tracked and their contents too.
$git status ~/bin
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# shells/zsh/keyboard_configs/
# shells/zsh/references/
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Are these directories empty? If so, Git does not track empty directories.
If you really need to add those directories to your repository, try adding an empty ".gitignore" file in each one.
For some background information on this design decision, see this thread from the Git email list.