我正在使用以下指令来确定用户是否已滚动到页面底部 - 150px 并设置正在侦听的范围变量并加载以下页面.它工作正常.
I am using the following directive to find out if the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page - 150px and set a scope variable which is being listened to and the following page is loaded. It works fine.
我担心的是 scope.$apply() 被多次调用.我需要调用 $apply() 指令才能工作,但我不确定多次调用它是否会导致问题.
My concern is that scope.$apply() is being called multiple times. I need to call $apply() for the directive to work but i am not sure if calling it multiple times can cause problems.
function () {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
var last_scroll_top = 0;
element.bind("scroll", function() {
var scroll_top = this.scrollTop,
scroll_height = this.scrollHeight,
height = this.offsetHeight,
offset = 150;
if (scroll_top > last_scroll_top) {
if ((scroll_top + height + offset) >= scroll_height) {
scope.requestPage = true;
last_scroll_top = scroll_top;
它处于某种状态,所以我认为它没有问题.为了提高性能,还要检查是否 scope.requestPage === false
因为如果已经是这样,则无需将其更改为 true.在单独的方法中处理条件以整理代码可能会很好.顺便说一下,我注意到滚动手表在资源方面非常昂贵,我建议在移动设备上禁用它.
It is in a condition so I don't think there is a problem with it. For added performance, check also if scope.requestPage === false
as there is no need to change it to true if it's already the case. It might be good to handle the conditions in a separate method to tidy up your code. By the way, I noticed that a watch on scrolling is very expensive in terms of resources, I suggest disabling it for mobiles devices.
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