

我不确定我是否遇到了最佳实践"问题,我试图以一种奇怪而美妙的方式解决这个挑战,或者我对 AngularJS 的掌握还没有.

I'm not sure if I am having a "best practices" issue where I am trying to solve this challenge in a weird and wonderful way or wether my grip on AngularJS just isn't there yet.

场景:所以我一直试图想出一种方法让originCity.cityName"在页面上输出几次,所有这些都引用同一个工厂内的同一个对象希望如果我将它设置为其他值(例如测试字符串"),那么它会追溯替换我在页面周围的所有 {{originCity.cityName}}.

Scenario: So I have been trying to come up with a way to have "originCity.cityName" be output on the page a few times, all referencing the same object inside the same factory with the hope that if I set it to some other value ("Test String" for example) then it would retroactively replace all of the {{originCity.cityName}} I have around the page.

module.service('cityFactory', function () {

    return {
        originCity: {
            cityName: 'TestLocation'

        //Update the city
        this.update = function (newCityName) {
            this.originCity.cityName = newCityName;


In two seperate controllers I have the following call to the factory:

$scope.originCity = cityService.originCity


And, to demonstrate, in a seperate controller I have the following call to the update method of the factory:

$scope.setCity = function() {
    cityService.update('Test String');


As I mentioned above, this is very much new to me so I might be going about this all wrong but I was hoping to have a factory with a method that I can call from anywhere on the page (so long as the dependencies are all in line) to update that value in a few places.

如果我 console.log 工厂内部更新方法中的 this.originCity.cityName 那么它会正确输出为 Test String 但是对数据的其他引用当前未更新.

If I console.log the this.originCity.cityName in the update method inside the factory then it outputs correctly as Test String but the other references to the data do not currently update.


module.factory('cityFactory', function () {
    var _cityName = null;
    var cityFactoryInstance = {};

    //Update the city from outside the DOM:
    var _update = function (newCityName) {
        _cityName = newCityName;

    cityFactoryInstance.update = _update;
    cityFactoryInstance.cityName = _cityName;
    return cityFactoryInstance;

    ['$scope','cityFactory', function ($scope, cityFactory) {

        $scope.originCity.cityName = cityFactory.cityName;

    ['$scope', 'cityFactory', function ($scope, cityFactory) {

        $scope.originCity.cityName = cityFactory.cityName;

在 DOM 中:



08-24 18:35