当您在市场上发布应用程序时,可以通过链接进行访问 http://windowsphone.com/s?appid=GUIDOfApplication 重定向到市场上的应用程序页面.我知道可以直接链接到评分和评论".那么,那是什么链接?
When you publish an application on the marketpace, you may access it by linkhttp://windowsphone.com/s?appid=GUIDOfApplicationwhich redirects to application's page on the market.I know that that it is possible to link directly to "rate and review". So, what is that link?
From within your app you can call the MarketplaceReviewTask
. As far as I know it's not possible to rate and review an application unless you have it installed on your phone.
Obviously until you publish your app to Marketplace this will give an error as the phone can't find your app in Marketplace.
有关更多信息,请参见 MSDN文档细节.
See MSDN docs for more detail.