有什么办法,记住 jQuery Mobile 框架的运行方式,来修复页面,使页脚始终与页面底部对齐 - 无论高度如何.
Is there any way, bearing in mind the way the jQuery Mobile framework operates, to fix the page so that the footer always aligns with the bottom of the page - no matter the height.
事实上,jQuery 页面的高度会发生变化,特别是当设备从纵向旋转到横向时,因此解决方案必须考虑到这一点.
As it stands the height of a jQuery page will change, especially as devices are rotated portrait to landscape, so the solution would have to take this into account.
只是为了澄清 - 我不需要页脚位于视口的底部,只是工作以使默认页面高度不会低于视口高度.
Just to clarify - I don't need the footer to be at the bottom of viewport, just working so that the default page height doesn't drop below the viewport height.
您可以在 css 文件中添加:
You can add this in your css file:
[data-role=page]{height: 100% !important; position:relative !important;}
[data-role=footer]{bottom:0; position:absolute !important; top: auto !important; width:100%;}
因此页面数据角色现在具有 100% 的高度,并且页脚处于绝对位置.
So the page data-role now have 100% height, and footer is in absolute position.
Yappo 还编写了一个出色的插件,您可以在这里找到:iScroll 插件中的 jQuery Mobilehttp://yappo.github.com/projects/jquery.mobile.iscroll/livedemo.html
Also Yappo have wrote an excellent plugin that you can find here:jQuery Mobile in a iScroll pluginhttp://yappo.github.com/projects/jquery.mobile.iscroll/livedemo.html
您现在可以使用 data-position="fixed"
You can now use the data-position="fixed"
attribute to keep your footer element on the bottom.
Docs and demos: http://view.jquerymobile.com/master/demos/toolbar-fixed/
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