




 < html> 
< head>
< meta content =text / html; charset = ISO-8859-1
http-equiv =content-type>
< title> Survey< / title>
< / head>
< body>
< h1 style =text-align:center;>< big>< span
style =font-family:Arial Unicode MS; background-color:white; color:rgb (0,0,153);>调查< / span>< / big>< / h1>
< div
style =text-align:center; font-family:Arial Unicode MS; color:rgb(0,0,153); font-weight:bold;>< big>请
回答以下问题,然后点击页面底部的提交按钮。< / big>< / div>
< form method =postaction =http://www.workintexas.com
name =客户调查>< br>
您目前是否在职?< br>
< input name =Employedvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Employedvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
您是否有足够的文件来支持您在美国工作的授权?< br>
< input name =Documentsvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Documentsvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
你有简历吗?< br>
< input name =Resumevalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Resumevalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
您有可靠的交通吗?< br>
< input name =transportationvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =transportationvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
您是否拥有高中文凭或同等学历?< br>
< input name =Diplomavalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Diplomavalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
您是否拥有职业执照,认证或高级教育?< br>
< input name =Certvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Certvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
您是否失业超过6个月?< br>
< input name =Unemployedvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Unemployedvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
您在过去两年中有超过三份工作吗?< br>
< input name =Jobsvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Jobsvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
您是否有合适的面试服装?< br>
< input name =Clothingvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Clothingvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
您是否有犯罪背景?< br>
< input name =Backgroundvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Backgroundvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>
< input name =Submitvalue =Submittype =submit>< small>< br>
< br>
< br>
< / form>
< / body>
< / html>





  var responding_yes = 0; 
$(input [type = radio]:checked)。each(function(){
answers_yes ++;
if(answers_yes> = 7){
location.href =7或更多网站.html;
} else {
location.href =小于7 website.html;

$ / code>



 < html> 
< head>
< meta content =text / html; charset = ISO-8859-1http-equiv =content-type>
< title> Survey< / title>
< / head>
< body>
< h1 style =text-align:center;>
< big>< span style =font-family:Arial Unicode MS; background-color:white; color:rgb(0,0,153);> Survey< / span><大>
< / h1>
< div style =text-align:center; font-family:Arial Unicode MS; color:rgb(0,0,153); font-weight:bold;>
< big>请回答以下问题,然后点击页面底部的提交按钮。< / big>
< / div>
< form method =postaction =http://www.workintexas.comname =Customer Survey>
< br>您目前有工作吗?< br>
< input name =Employedvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Employedvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>您是否有现成的文件来支持您在美国的授权?< br>
< input name =Documentsvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Documentsvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>您有简历吗?< br>
< input name =Resumevalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Resumevalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>您有可靠的交通吗?< br>
< input name =transportationvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =transportationvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>你有高中毕业证书或同等学历吗?< br>
< input name =Diplomavalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Diplomavalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>您是否拥有职业执照,认证或高级教育?< br>
< input name =Certvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Certvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>你的失业时间超过6个月吗?< br>
< input name =Unemployedvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Unemployedvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>您在过去两年内有超过三份工作吗?< br>
< input name =Jobsvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Jobsvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>你有适当的面试服装吗?< br>
< input name =Clothingvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Clothingvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>你有犯罪背景吗?< br>
< input name =Backgroundvalue =Yestype =radio>是< br>
< input name =Backgroundvalue =Notype =radio>否< br>
< br>< input name =Submitvalue =Submittype =submit>< small>< br>
< br>
< br>
< / form>
< script type =text / javascripthref =http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.0.min.js>< / script>
< script type =text / javascript>
$(input [type = submit])。bind(click,function(e){
e.preventDefault );
var responding_yes = 0;
$(input [type = radio]:checked)。each(function(){
if($(this).val()= ==Yes){
answers_yes ++;
if(answers_yes> = 7){
location.href =7或更多website.html;
} else {
location.href =小于7 website.html;
< / script>
< / body>
< / html>

Ok. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm going to go back to helping people find jobs. I ran everything in the Fiddle and migrated it over to two different editors and everything shows up fine, but nothing happens, no alerts, no onclick to submit. I tried it on my laptop and two pages showed up one with profilebannerIE on it and the other with the html. Thanks again.

Old man new to jquery. We have a form that we would like for folks to fill out and submit. The form was not difficult to create, but now we would like it to do some special things. I've researched and tried different things for 3 days and this is my last ditch effort. Many of your forum ideas are very clever and I'm sure ya'll can get this to work in a flash. Thanks in advance!

We are trying to get the submit button on the following form to go to "website 1" if seven or more of the radio buttons are clicked "yes". If there are less than 7 "yes" answers we would like it to go to "website 2".

<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<h1 style="text-align: center;"><big><span
 style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS; background-color: white; color: rgb(0, 0, 153);">Survey</span></big></h1>
 style="text-align: center; font-family: Arial Unicode MS; color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold;"><big>Please
answer the following questions and click the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page.</big></div>
<form method="post" action="http://www.workintexas.com"
 name="Customer Survey"><br>
Are you currently employed?<br>
  <input name="Employed" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="Employed" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
Do you have readily available, documents to support your authorization to work in the USA?<br>
  <input name="Documents" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="Documents" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
Do you have a resume?<br>
  <input name="Resume" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="Resume" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
Do you have reliable transportation?<br>
  <input name="transportation" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="transportation" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
Do you have a high school diploma or equivalent?<br>
  <input name="Diploma" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="Diploma" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
Do you have an occupational license, certification, or advanced level of education?<br>
  <input name="Cert" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="Cert" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
Have you been unemployed longer than 6 months?<br>
  <input name="Unemployed" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="Unemployed" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
Have you had more than three jobs within the last two years?<br>
  <input name="Jobs" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="Jobs" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
Do you have appropriate interview clothing?<br>
  <input name="Clothing" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="Clothing" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
Do you have a criminal background?<br>
  <input name="Background" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
  <input name="Background" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
  <input name="Submit" value="Submit" type="submit"><small><br>

Just for future reference, there's a nifty tool called jsFiddle that you can use to give us better code to work with: jsFiddle

I've made you a quick one, with a solution that should get you started here

var answered_yes = 0;
$("input[type=radio]:checked").each(function() {
    if ($(this).val() === "Yes") {
if (answered_yes >= 7) {
    location.href = "7 or more website.html";
} else {
    location.href = "less than 7 website.html";

Full Markup

Here's the markup you can use (with jQuery library included from a CDN), your markup needs a fair bit of work but you've made it clear you're a beginner so I'll throw you a bone. See if you get anywhere further with this.

    <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type">
    <h1 style="text-align: center;">
        <big><span style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS; background-color: white; color: rgb(0, 0, 153);">Survey</span></big>
    <div style="text-align: center; font-family: Arial Unicode MS; color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold;">
        <big>Please answer the following questions and click the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page.</big>
    <form method="post" action="http://www.workintexas.com" name="Customer Survey">
        <br>Are you currently employed?<br>
        <input name="Employed" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="Employed" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br>Do you have readily available, documents to support your authorization to work in the USA?<br>
        <input name="Documents" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="Documents" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br>Do you have a resume?<br>
        <input name="Resume" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="Resume" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br>Do you have reliable transportation?<br>
        <input name="transportation" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="transportation" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br>Do you have a high school diploma or equivalent?<br>
        <input name="Diploma" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="Diploma" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br>Do you have an occupational license, certification, or advanced level of education?<br>
        <input name="Cert" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="Cert" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br>Have you been unemployed longer than 6 months?<br>
        <input name="Unemployed" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="Unemployed" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br>Have you had more than three jobs within the last two years?<br>
        <input name="Jobs" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="Jobs" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br>Do you have appropriate interview clothing?<br>
        <input name="Clothing" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="Clothing" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br>Do you have a criminal background?<br>
        <input name="Background" value="Yes" type="radio">Yes<br>
        <input name="Background" value="No" type="radio">No<br>
        <br><input name="Submit" value="Submit" type="submit"><small><br>
    <script type="text/javascript" href="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.0.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $("input[type=submit]").bind("click", function (e) {
                var answered_yes = 0;
                $("input[type=radio]:checked").each(function () {
                    if ($(this).val() === "Yes") {
                if (answered_yes >= 7) {
                    location.href = "7 or more website.html";
                } else {
                    location.href = "less than 7 website.html";


08-22 22:55