Given a list of indexes List and the matrix size N, I want to check if indexes of that list are contiguous.
For example, matrix 5x5, the indexes are as it follows:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
isContiguous([11,12,13,7,2], 5) :- yes.
isContiguous([14,15,16,17,18], 5) :- no.
I tried to implement a depth first search, starting with the first index and checking if the following is contiguous, but I couldn't, as it only works if the list makes a line or a column and the first element is in the beginning or in the end of that shape.
You may define a relation for a node adjacencies and a procedure to see if there is a single connected graph between your nodes:
adjacent(Size, N, _, Adj):-
Adj #= N-Size,
Adj #> 0.
adjacent(Size, N, Max, Adj):-
Adj #= N+Size,
Adj #=< Max.
adjacent(Size, N, _, Adj):-
0 #\= N mod Size,
Adj #= N+1.
adjacent(Size, N, _, Adj):-
1 #\= N mod Size,
Adj #= N-1.
is_contiguous(L, Size):-
Max #= Size*Size,
between(1, Max, Len), % sanity checks for when L is not instantiated
length(L, Len),
select(N, L, L1),
between(1, Max, N), % idem
is_contiguous1([N], L1, Size, Max).
is_contiguous1(_, [], _, _).
is_contiguous1(Seen, Rem, Size, Max):-
member(N, Seen),
adjacent(Size, N, Max, Adj),
\+(member(Adj, Seen)),
select(Adj, Rem, NRem),
is_contiguous1([Adj|Seen], NRem, Size, Max).
?- is_contiguous([11,12,13,7,2], 5).
?- is_contiguous([14,15,16,17,18], 5).
?- once(is_contiguous([14,15,X,16,17,18], 5)).
X = 19