本文介绍了改造+ rxJava:如何实现迭代的N个请求?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a problem to implement following problem: I'm making a request that fetches all active leagues. Then, for each of them I need to make another request to grab the matches. I think it's possible to implement the solution using flatMapIterable, but don't know how.


For now I have following retrofit interfaces:

public interface LeaguesApi
    Observable<ArrayList<League>> getLeagues(@Query("active_only") boolean activeOnly);

public interface LeagueApi
    Observable<ArrayList<Match>> getMatchesPlayed(@Path("leagueId") int leagueId, @Query("played") boolean played);


Please advise how to iterate through all leagues in order to perform getMatchesPlayed for each of them. Best would be without lambda expressions, since I'm not using them in my project.



I'd change that API so it reads like this otherwise you lose a lot of the flexibility of streams:

public interface LeaguesApi
    Observable<League> getLeagues(@Query("active_only") boolean activeOnly);

public interface LeagueApi
    Observable<Match> getMatchesPlayed(@Path("leagueId") int leagueId, @Query("played") boolean played);


如果没有,那么要获得观测&LT; T&GT; 观测与LT; ArrayList的&LT; T&GT;&GT; 你这样做:

If not then to get Observable<T> from Observable<ArrayList<T>> you do:

    new Func1<ArrayList<T>, ArrayList<T>>() {
        public ArrayList<T> call(ArrayList<T> list) {
            return list;

好得多,只是说 observable.flatMapIterable(X - &GT; X)。当然


To get all played matches for all active leagues just do this:

Observable<League> leagues= getLeagues(true);
Observable<Match> matches =
    leagues.flatMap( league -> getMatchesPlayed(league.leagueId, true));


or without lambdas (I wish you hadn't asked for that)

Observable<Match> matches = leagues.flatMap(
    new Func1<League, Observable<Match>> () {
        public Observable<Match> call(League league) {
            return getMatchesPlayed(league.leagueId, true);

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08-20 10:54