对于一些原因,我不得不使用devex preSS文本框,而不是ASP文本框和文本框有一个验证文本必须包含一个。,所以我使用普通的前pression验证用户的输入像如下:
For some reasons, I have to use devexpress textbox instead of asp textbox, and the textbox have a validation that the text must contain a ".", so I am using regular expression to validate the user's input like below:
<dx:ASPxTextBox runat="server" ID="textBox1" ValidationSettings-ValidationGroup='<%# Container.ValidationGroup %>'>
<RegularExpression ValidationExpression="[.]" ErrorText="Invalid input" />
即。正则表达式非常简单,只需 []
我测试了正则表达式在这个网站 http://regexpal.com/
I tested the regex on this site http://regexpal.com/
and it's validating properly, but when it's put inside the aspxTextbox, whenever the user type in anything that contains ".", the validation isn't passed (i.e. error text shows), why this happens?
Just try the below regex to make your validation getting passed.
- 断言,我们在开始。为了验证目的,我们必须给予开始和结束模式。 -
。 - 匹配任何字符零次或多次 -
- 匹配文字圆点 。 -
。 - 匹配任何字符零次或多次 -
- 电话那端
- Asserts that we are at the start. For validation purposes, we must give the start and end patterns..*
- Matches any character zero or more times.\.
- Matches a literal dot..*
- Matches any character zero or more times.$
- End of the line.
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