


关于版本控制系统,在阅读了很多有关GIT的内容后,我决定继续进行Subversion,我认为这可能很有趣,但是允许我编程机器的工业软件仅与Subversion兼容. ..这里没有真正的选择.

现在,情况正在发生变化,同时我想保持与旧版本控制系统的兼容性,我将能够开始使用Visual Studio作为开发环境.由于现在发生这种情况,因此我不受任何特定客户的束缚.



•SlikSVN(32位和64位客户端MSI;由SharpSvn项目的Bert Huijben维护)
•Win32Svn(32位客户端,服务器和绑定,MSI和ZIP;由David Darj维护)


2.使用Visual Studio时,您的建议是什么?

与往常一样,先谢谢您. :thumbsup:

Hello all,

In terms of version control system I''ve decided to continue with subversion, after reading about GIT a lot I''ve thought that it can be interesting, but the industrial software that allows me to program machines is compatible only with subversion so... there is not a real choice here.

Now, things are changing, and meanwhile I want to maintain the compatibility with the old version control system, I''ll be able to start using visual studio as the development environment. As this is happening now I''m not tied to any specific client.

Now my two questions:

1. I''ve seen in the APACHE site that there are some different options as subversion server:

• CollabNet (supported and certified by CollabNet; requires registration)
• SlikSVN (32- and 64-bit client MSI; maintained by Bert Huijben, SharpSvn project)
• VisualSVN (client and server; supported and maintained by VisualSVN)
• WANdisco (32- and 64-bit client and server; supported and certified by WANdisco)
• Win32Svn (32-bit client, server and bindings, MSI and ZIPs; maintained by David Darj)

Which are the differences between them?

2. When working with Visual Studio, what would be your recommendation?
I''ve seen ankhsvn as a good option, but I''ve never used it and I don''t know pros and cons.
I''ve been working with Tortoise and I''m quite happy, but what can I expect from Ankhsvn? which would be the advantages and are other softwares there?

As always, thank you in advance. :thumbsup:



08-20 07:11