


I'm using following code to call Method B after N seconds method A is called. If method Ais called again within the N seconds timeout, i have to reset the time counting back to N seconds.


I cannot reference System.Windows.Form in my project, so I cannot use System.Windows.Form.Timer.


The method B must be called in the same thread A is called.

private void InitTimer()
    timer = new BackgroundWorker();
    timer.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
    timer.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
    timer.DoWork += delegate(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
                        var st = DateTime.Now;
                        while (DateTime.Now.Subtract(st).TotalSeconds < 10)
                            if (timer.CancellationPending)
                                e.Cancel = true;

    timer.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
                        if (!e.Cancelled)

public void MethodA()
     if (timer.IsBusy)


public void MethodB()
     //do some stuff



Actually the code work, but i think it's a bit confounding. Do you know if there is a best practices to achieve the same result?


您陷入.NET 2.0实在可惜,因为 Rx扩展具有 Throttle 方法,可以非常完美地实现此效果.

It's a shame you're stuck on .NET 2.0, because Rx extensions has a Throttle method that achieves this effect quite elegantly.

悲伤的Rx至少需要.NET 3.5 SP1.

Sadly Rx requires at least .NET 3.5 SP1.

哦,好吧!您始终可以使用 System.Threading.Timer 即可完成此操作.可以通过利用当前的 SynchronizationContext (这是 BackgroundWorker 所做的事情)来提供同步.

Oh well! You can always use a System.Threading.Timer to get this done instead. Synchronization can be provided by leveraging the current SynchronizationContext (this is what BackgroundWorker does).

这是 LaggedMethodPair 类的示意图,以说明此方法.该类在其构造函数中接受三个输入:一个将按需执行的 Action ,另一个将充当回调的 Action ,当给定的超时时间过去时,该回调将被调用,当然还有超时本身:

Here's a sketch of a LaggedMethodPair class to illustrate this approach. The class takes three inputs in its constructor: an Action to be performed on-demand, another Action to serve as the callback that will be invoked when a given timeout has elapsed, and, of course, the timeout itself:

public sealed class LaggedMethodPair
    private SynchronizationContext _context;
    private Timer _timer;

    private Action _primaryAction;
    private Action _laggedCallback;
    private int _millisecondsLag;

    public LaggedMethodPair(Action primaryAction,
                            Action laggedCallback,
                            int millisecondsLag)
        if (millisecondsLag < 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Lag cannot be negative.");

        // Do nothing by default.
        _primaryAction = primaryAction ?? new Action(() => { });

        // Do nothing by default.
        _laggedCallback = laggedCallback ?? new Action(() => { });

        _millisecondsLag = millisecondsLag;

        _timer = new Timer(state => RunTimer());

    public void Invoke()
        // Technically there is a race condition here.
        // It could be addressed, but in practice it will
        // generally not matter as long as Invoke is always
        // being called from the same SynchronizationContext.
        if (SynchronizationContext.Current == null)
                new SynchronizationContext()

        _context = SynchronizationContext.Current;



    void ResetTimer()
        _timer.Change(_millisecondsLag, Timeout.Infinite);

    void RunTimer()
        _context.Post(state => _laggedCallback(), null);

我编写了一个示例Windows Forms应用程序来演示此类.该表单包含一个 LaggedMethodPair 成员,其超时时间为2000毫秒.它的 primaryAction 将一个项目添加到列表视图.其 laggedCallback 将高亮显示的项目添加到列表视图中.

I wrote a sample Windows Forms app to show this class in action. The form contains a LaggedMethodPair member with a timeout of 2000 ms. Its primaryAction adds an item to a list view. Its laggedCallback adds a highlighted item to the list view.


You can see that the code runs as expected.


08-20 06:26