I'm trying to write java code to do exactly what this command does:
curl -F "image=@image.jpg" -F "param1=some-value" -F "param2=some_value" http://example.com
I'm currently trying something like this:
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build(); HttpPost poster = new HttpPost("http://example.com"); MultipartEntityBuilder mpEntityBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create(); mpEntityBuilder.addPart("param1", new StringBody("some-value")); mpEntityBuilder.addPart("param2", new StringBody("some-value")); mpEntity.addPart("image", getImage("some-image")); poster.setEntity(mpEntityBuilder .build()); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(poster);
这里getImage(String)返回一个ByteArrayBody。 (我实际上是从网上下载一个图像,而不是像curl命令那样从磁盘读取,但我不认为这会有所作为)
here getImage(String) returns a ByteArrayBody. (I'm actually downloading an image from the web on the fly rather than reading from disk like the curl command, but I don't think this should make a difference)
I checked out this link it but it doesn't exactly address the case where you're sending both an image as well as text parameters:Java Equivalent of curl query
奇怪的是,我使用几乎相同的代码HTTP post到另一个API,当我需要发送一个单独的图像没有任何文本参数的工作正常。 (无字符串体)
What's strange is that I am using almost the same code to make an HTTP post to another API which works fine when I need to send an image alone without any textual parameters. (no stringbody)
'无法初始化参数对象与mimeType:application / octet-stream'。这可能是一个自定义的错误消息,所以我不能真正找到这方面很多的信息。
But when I'm trying to send both an image(as a ByteArrayBody) and some text (as StringBody), I get a cryptic error message from the server that says something like:'Could not initialize parameter object with mimeType: application/octet-stream'. It's probably a custom error message so I can't really find much information on this.
我试过使用一些其他constuctors StringBody(),因为这一个已被弃用,但它没有帮助。不确定是什么是正确的构造函数使用,但不确定这是否会导致问题。
I tried using a few other constuctors for StringBody() since this one is deprecated, but it didn't help. Not sure what is the right constructor to use, but not sure if this would be causing a problem.
失败参数初始化与mimeType:application / octet-stream)
seems like someone's asked a very similar question before, but the solution does not work for me:Android: upload file with filling out POST body togetherI get an error message aboutFailed parameter initialization with mimeType: application/octet-stream)
我没有看到它的文档,但 curl -F @ 显然试图有所帮助填写内容类型 包含 image / jpeg / code>。 HttpClient没有,默认一切都是MIME'我不知道'键入 application / octet-stream 这可能是导致您的错误。 使用设置内容类型的3-arg ctor
I don't see it documented but curl -F @ apparently trying to be helpful fills in Content-type for some extensions/suffixes, including image/jpeg for .jpg. HttpClient does not, and defaults everything to the MIME 'I don't know' type application/octet-stream which presumably caused your error. Use the 3-arg ctor that sets the content-type
new ByteArrayBody (data, ContentType.create("image/jpeg"), null)
或如果要指定filename属性, curl -F @ 也可以,但是web服务器(不像浏览器)通常不关心,提供 String 代替 null 第三个参数。
or if you want to specify the filename attribute, which curl -F @ also does but web servers (unlike browsers) usually don't care about, supply a String in place of the null third argument.
这篇关于Java相当于curl post请求与图像和文本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!