本文介绍了AES加密方法相当于MySQL aes_encrypt()函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想写一个AES加密方法,应该等于mysql aes_encrypt



密码密码= Cipher.getInstance(AES);

byte [] encryptedTextBytes = cipher.doFinal(message .getBytes(UTF-8));
String k = new String(encryptedTextBytes);
System.out.println(KKKKK+ k);



还将通过使用PKCS7填充数据来处理要加密的值。您可以了解所有关于PKCS7 @ ,但它所做的只是填充输入数据,因此它是16字节的块。数据被填充的字节等于要添加的填充字节数。


请参阅Michael Simmons发布的以下Java代码:

I want to write an AES encryption method that should be equivalent to mysql aes_encrypt.

I try to write but it's not correct, because mysql is nor giving proper data.

What should I do to get it correct?

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec);
byte[] encryptedTextBytes = cipher.doFinal(message .getBytes("UTF-8"));
String k = new String(encryptedTextBytes);

MySQL's implementation of AES gives headaches to a lot of people. It'a mainly because of how MySQL processes the encryption key. The encryption key gets broken into 16-byte blocks and MySQL will XOR the bytes from one block with the bytes in the preceding block. If the user provided key happens to be less than 16 bytes in length then the key is essentially padded with null bytes to get up to 16 bytes. That's how the key is processed by MySQL's aes_encrypt().

The value which is to be encrypted is also processed, by padding the data using PKCS7. You can learn all about PKCS7 @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padding_%28cryptography%29#PKCS7 but all it does is pad the input data so it's in 16-byte blocks. The byte the data gets padded with is equivalent to the number of padding bytes that will be added.

Long story short you need process the encryption key the way MySQL does and also pad your input data using PKCS7.

Refer to the following post by Michael Simmons for example code in Java:http://info.michael-simons.eu/2011/07/18/mysql-compatible-aes-encryption-decryption-in-java/

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08-20 04:55