此问题专门与 http://qt-project.org/downloads 中的Qt libraries 5.0.0 for Windows (VS 2010 406 MB)
有关(但我认为是还将适用于将来的5.xx版本),并将其安装在干净的" Windows工作站上.
This question is specifically about Qt libraries 5.0.0 for Windows (VS 2010 406 MB)
at http://qt-project.org/downloads (but I assume it will apply to future 5.x.x versions too), and installing that on a "clean" Windows workstation.
需要什么才能使其正常工作? 我只关注最小数量的下载软件包,这意味着完全合格"的下载名称的有序列表,最好是指向Microsoft下载的链接.
What is needed to get it work? I am after exact minimal set of download packages, meaning an ordered list of "fully qualified" download names, preferably with links to Microsoft downloads.
来自同一下载页面的最新Qt Creator将用作IDE,因此不需要安装Visual Studio,并且如果可以避免的话,这样做会更好.
The latest Qt Creator from same download page will be used as IDE, so Visual Studio is not required to be installed, and indeed it would be better if that can be avoided.
我目前的理解是,我需要找到VC ++ Express,然后为其找到SP1更新,然后找到调试包以获取Qt Creator的调试器后端.不知道我是否需要Windows SDK软件包,或者是否可以用某些版本的Windows SDK替换VS.不,qt项目的网页无法回答这个问题,对于这种特定情况(使用二进制库下载而没有完整的非免费Visual Studio 2010),说明非常含糊.
My current understanding is, I will need to find VC++ Express, then find SP1 update for it, then find debugging package to get debugger backend for Qt Creator. Not sure if I need a Windows SDK package, or if I can replace VS with some version of Windows SDK. And no, the qt-project web pages do not answer this, the instructions there are pretty vague for this specific scenario (using the binary library download without the full non-free Visual Studio 2010).
严格来说,您需要的只是 Windows SDK v7.1 及其 SP1编译器更新.确保还安装了"Windows调试工具"(Qt Creator进行调试器集成时需要).这将安装VS2010中包含的命令行编译器和工具.
Strictly, all you need is the Windows SDK v7.1 and its SP1 compiler update. Be sure to install the "Debugging tools for Windows" as well (needed by Qt Creator for debugger integration). This will install the commandline compiler and tools included in VS2010.
作为IDE,您可以使用 Qt Creator ,对Qt来说真是太棒了项目,甚至适用于非Qt项目.当然,您可以自由使用任何所需的IDE,Qt Creator附带了所有功能:集成的Qt文档,集成的GUI设计器,集成的QML设计器,版本控制集成(需要单独安装svn/git)
As an IDE, you can use Qt Creator, which is just awesome for Qt projects and great even for non-Qt projects. Of course you're free to use any IDE you want, it's just that Qt Creator comes with, well, everything: integrated Qt documentation, integrated GUI designer, integrated QML designer, version control integration (svn/git need to be installed seperately).
或者,您将需要找到VS2010 Express及其更新,尽管这样会使您在IDE中没有Qt集成(因为免费的VS版本不支持扩展).
Alternatively, you will need to find VS2010 Express, and its update, though this will leave you without Qt integration in the IDE (because the free VS versions do not support extensions).
Edit by hyde to add links (tested Jan 2013):
- Visual C++2010 Express can be downloaded from this page (scroll down)
- Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack download page