Our app currently uses a local time rather than UTC. I know that it's important to use UTC, but cannot for the life of me remember why.
Assuming that the DateTimes are stored with an offset, when comparing a local time to a UTC time, or with another time with a different timezone, surely any library worth using will know about the different timezones and mutate the two objects into something that can be compared?
As long as the offset is passed around with the DateTime (which it will be using objects rather than strings, say), I do not see why it matters. Why should I deal with 2014-09-01T13:44:13+00:00
rather than 2014-09-01T14:44:13+01:00
? In fact, storing as UTC looses the offset information (the local time when the time was declared).
您的用例允许存储带偏移量的本地时间. IMO无需存储在UTC中,因为您始终可以将时间点转换为任何其他本地时间.实际上,它还为您提供了更多信息,因为您还可以获得有关当地时间的信息.
Your use case allows storing a local time with an offset. IMO there is no need to store in UTC, as you can always translate the point in time into any other local time. In fact it gives you even more, as you have additionally the information about the local time.
Technically there is an advantage in storing the date as UTC and the offset separately: You can sort on a string, which gives you an advantage in e.g. DBS which don't support date fields with offsets properly (e.g. MySQL).
如果您考虑不允许存储偏移量的系统,则参与者必须在一个公共时区上达成一致. UTC似乎是非常稳定的候选人,并具有良好的时区翻译支持.
If you consider systems which don't allow storing an offset, the actors will have to agree on a common timezone. UTC seems to be a very stable candidate with good timezone translation support.
例如, Exif
One example for this is Exif
where you can only store a local date without any timezone information. Another example is the hardware clock in a multi OS computer. If the actors don't agree on a common timezone, you will get headaches (Linux & Windows can get funny during DST switch).