

世界上最奇怪的事情发生在我身上,我想问,如果有人听说过任何类似的东西,以及任何可能的解决方案。我的设计师在自己的电脑上创建了一个网站。我在我的代码中实现了他的css + html,我注意到一切都在我的网站上更大一点(例如菜单更宽,顶栏更大等)

The weirdest thing in the world is happening to me, and I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of anything similiar to this, and any possible solution. My designer created a website, on his own computer. I implemented his css + html in my code, and I noticed everything was coming out a bit bigger on my website (eg menu was wider, top bar was larger, etc)After playing around with this for over 3 hours, I decided to just Save the website the designer made to my Desktop. I did this, opened it in chrome, and it was exactly like I saw on the designers site. I then proceeded to copy past the website I saved into xampp- and lo and behold, everything was bigger, JUST like in MY website. I have quite literally no idea what is going on, the exact same files on my Desktop are showing up differently when I copy them into xampp.


Any idea whats going on?Thanks!

编辑:为了使问题更加明显,扩展只出现在chrome ...

To make matters weirder, it appears the enlarging only happens in chrome...



It's rather impossible to ensure that we can narrow down your issue without viewing any code or anything of the likes.But first ensure that your browser is at proper standard settings.

请务必按 CTRL + 0 (在Windows上 )。

Make sure you are zoomed out by pressing CTRL + 0 (on windows).


It could've also potentially have been that the stylesheet was missing something, but in this case it wasn't.


08-15 23:08