

我正在尝试对 25 个不同的投资组合进行类似的回归,然后找到所有 25 个回归的 R^2.显然我可以通过运行来单独完成它们

I am trying to do a similar regression for 25 different portfolios and then finding the R^2 of all 25 regressions. Obviously i can do them individually by running

P1<-lm(formula = df[1:24,1] - RiskFree ~ Mkt.RF + SMB + HML, data = df )

25 次才能得到所有的 r.square,这真的很耗时(无法想象它是 100 还是更大).我想做一个循环,这就是我卡住的地方.这就是我所做的

25 times to get all the r.square which is really time consuming (can't imagine if it's 100 or greater). I thought of doing a loop and here is where i got stuck. This is what i did

for(i in 2:26){
P[i-1]<-lm(formula = df[1:24,i] - RiskFree ~ Mkt.RF + SMB + HML, data = df )


总结错误(P[i - 1])$r.squared:$ 运算符对原子向量无效另外: 警告信息:在 P[i - 1]

如何得到我的 R^2,然后将它们以矩阵形式放置?

How do i get my R^2 and then place them in a matrix form?


(edit) this is the sample data that i am working on

df <- "Year SMALL.LoBM ME1.BM2  ME1.BM3  ME1.BM4 Mkt.RF SMB   HML   RiskFree
       1991   -4.61    22.74     16.42    27.89   37.88 2.59 13.60  23.22
       1992    8.20    20.59     22.90    25.94   40.05 6.66 15.14  16.04
       1993    1.20    12.41     19.27    21.39   37.59 5.46 17.19  23.40
       1994   -22.67   -0.56     -3.86    1.34     1.93 -3.38-2.28  0.25
Data <- read.table(text=df, header = TRUE)


您不需要循环.而是使用 lm 接受多个响应变量:

You don't need a loop. Instead use that lm accepts multiple response variables:

fits <- summary(lm(cbind(mpg, hp) ~ wt, data = mtcars))
#or summary(lm(as.matrix(mtcars[, c(1, 4)]) ~ wt, data = mtcars))
sapply(fits, `[[`, "r.squared")
#Response mpg  Response hp
#   0.7528328    0.4339488


This is not only more elegant, but also more efficient.


08-04 03:00