

我正在尝试使用 openpyxl 在Python中生成excel xlsx报告,但是存在问题. Excel会在一些特定的单元格中不断从我的工作表中删除公式.

I am trying to generate an excel xlsx report in Python, using openpyxl, but there is a problem. Excel keeps removing formula from my sheet in a few specific cells.


I printed what is being inserted and it seems absolutely valid, if I paste it from console to the cell it shows the exact result. I even tried to insert the formula without the leading '=' and it did so, when I opened it in excel and added '=' it worked.


This is the given formula, just a SUM of cells on a condition of some other value in matching rows:

= SUMIF($ C $ 27:$ C $ 243; A249; $ I $ 27:$ I $ 243)


The error on opening workbook is as follows:

当我不在该特定单元格中插入任何内容时,所有内容均会平滑打开,而不会发出警告.但是,当我手动将其插入时, excel会显示警告,表示带有公式的单元格不受保护.不知道这是否应该成为问题.我不能完全包住它. Excel错误日志一如既往的有用.

When I do not insert anything in that particular cell everything opens smooth, no warnings. When I insert it manually, however, excel shows warning saying that the cell with formula is not protected. Not sure if that should be in any way an issue.I cannot quite wrap my head around it. Excel error log is as useful as ever.


请注意文档中的警告: http://openpyxl.readthedocs.io/en/default/usage.html#using-formulae

Please pay attention to the warning in the documentation: http://openpyxl.readthedocs.io/en/default/usage.html#using-formulae


08-03 23:11