When looking for implicits, the Scala compiler looks, among other places, in the companion object of the various parts of the classes involved. Apparently, though, it fails to perform this lookup when the implicit conversion is used in the class itself, if it is defined before the companion object. The minimal example I was able to cook up is:
trait Counter[A] {
def count(a: A): Int
object Foo {
def foo[A](a: A)(implicit c: Counter[A]) = c.count(a)
case class Bar(id: Int) {
import Foo._
def count = foo(this)
object Bar {
implicit object BarCounter extends Counter[Bar] {
def count(b: Bar) = b.id
这无法编译,表示找不到参数c的隐式值:Counter [吧]
-我正在使用Scala 2.9.1。
This fails to compile saying could not find implicit value for parameter c: Counter[Bar]
- I am using Scala 2.9.1.
有趣的事情(由rjsvaljean建议)是,如果我们反转顺序-是,我们在 case class Bar
之前定义 object Bar
The interesting thing (suggested by rjsvaljean) is that if we invert the order - that is, we define object Bar
before case class Bar
- verything compiles fine.
我还应该提到,此问题仅在隐式解析时出现。如果我们显式传递 BarCounter
I should also mention that this problem only arises with implicit resolution. If we explicitly pass the BarCounter
object, everything compiles fine.
It seems to be an actual compiler bug. I have posted it here.