

我想在关系数据库(MySQL或SQLite)中存储层次化的二维科学数据集。每个数据集包含具有任意数量列的数值数据表。此外,每个数据集可以具有与其表的给定行相关联的相同类型的一个或多个子。每个数据集通常具有1到100列之间和1到1.000.000行之间。数据库应该能够处理许多数据集(> 1000),并且数据的读/写应该是相当快的。





老实说,如果你不需要搜索它(最大,最小等等),最好使用某种平面文件。 / p>



I want to store hierarchical, two-dimensional scientific datasets in a relational database (MySQL or SQLite). Each dataset contains a table of numerical data with an arbitrary number of columns. In addition, each dataset can have one or more children of the same type associated with a given row of its table. Each dataset typically has between 1 and 100 columns and between 1 and 1.000.000 rows. The database should be able to handle many datasets (>1000) and reading/writing of data should be reasonably fast.

What would the best DB schema to store such kind of data? Is it reasonable to have a "master" table with the names, IDs and relations of individual datasets and in addition one table per dataset which contains the numerical values?


That's how I'd do it.

I'm not exactly sure how the 'arbitrary columns' thing is working, because data usually doesn't work like that. Regardless, it sounds like storing it as row,col,val might work nicely.

Honestly though, if you don't need to search through it (max, min, etc.), it might be better to use some kind of flat file.

An alternative setup that might be interesting is using SQLite, with a separate database file for each dataset, plus one master one.

Whatever you pick, how well it will work really depends on what you're going to do with the data.


08-03 22:35