本文介绍了如何消耗BlockingCollection< T>分批的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've come up with some code to consume all wating items from a queue. Rather than processing the items 1 by 1, it makes sense to process all waiting items as a set.


I've declared my queue like this.

private BlockingCollection<Item> items =
    new BlockingCollection<Item>(new ConcurrentQueue<Item>);


Then, on a consumer thread, I plan to read the items in batches like this,

Item nextItem;
while (this.items.TryTake(out nextItem, -1))
    var workToDo = new List<Item>();

    while(this.items.TryTake(out nextItem))

    // process workToDo, then go back to the queue.

此方法缺乏 GetConsumingEnumerable ,我不禁想,如果我错过了一个更好的办法,如果我的做法是错误的。

This approach lacks the utility of GetConsumingEnumerable and I can't help wondering if I've missed a better way, or if my approach is flawed.

有没有更好的方式来消耗 BlockingCollection&LT; T&GT; 分批

Is there a better way to consume a BlockingCollection<T> in batches?


虽然不如 ConcurrentQueue&LT; T&GT; 在某些方面,我自己的 LLQueue&LT; T&GT; 允许成批出列与 AtomicDequeueAll 的方法,其中,当前的所有项目的队列,从它发生在一个单一的(原子和线程安全的)的操作,并随后在非线程收集消费由单个线程。这种方法的目的是precisely为要批量读取操作的方案。

While not as good as ConcurrentQueue<T> in some ways, my own LLQueue<T> allows for a batched dequeue with a AtomicDequeueAll method where all items currently on the queue are taken from it in a single (atomic and thread-safe) operation, and are then in a non-threadsafe collection for consumption by a single thread. This method was designed precisely for the scenario where you want to batch the read operations.


This isn't blocking though, though it could be used to create a blocking collection easily enough:

public BlockingBatchedQueue<T>
  private readonly AutoResetEvent _are = new AutoResetEvent(false);
  private readonly LLQueue<T> _store;
  public void Add(T item)
  public IEnumerable<T> Take()
    return _store.AtomicDequeueAll();
  public bool TryTake(out IEnumerable<T> items, int millisecTimeout)
      items = _store.AtomicDequeueAll();
      return true;
    items = null;
    return false;


That's a starting point that doesn't do the following:

  1. 在应对处置时挂起等待的读者。
  2. 在担心与多个阅读器既是一个潜在的竞争正在由一个写发生,而一个正在读触发(它只是认为偶尔空的结果枚举会好起来的)。
  3. 将任何上限写作。


All of which could be added too, but I wanted to keep to the minimum of some practical use, that hopefully isn't buggy within the defined limitations above.

这篇关于如何消耗BlockingCollection&LT; T&GT;分批的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 21:35