

我正在尝试使用plt.show()和ipywidgets interact()函数在一些磁共振切片中滚动.缓慢移动滑块没有发现任何问题,但是在切片中滑动得更快时,发现了一个重要的延迟.

I'm trying to scroll through some magnetic resonance slices using plt.show() and ipywidgets interact() function. I've found no problem by slowly moving the slider, but an important delay is found when sliding through the slices a little bit faster.


Here below is the code I'm using.

def dicom_animation(x, volume):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
    plt.imshow(volume['slices'][x]['pixel_array'], cmap=plt.cm.gray)

interact(dicom_animation, volume = fixed(a), x=IntSlider(round(len(a['slices'])/2,0), 0, (len(a['slices'])-1), layout=Layout(width='500px')))



Is there anything I can do to make the sliding a little bit faster without this important delay?



Remaking the figure and calling plt.imshow are both pretty expensive operations which is what is slowing this down. Instead you need to use an interactive matplotlib backend and then use methods like set_data.

ipympl 是matplotlbi的交互式后端,可在jupyter nobteook和jupyterlab中使用.它有一个很好的示例笔记本,在这里解释了诸如如何与其他小部件交互的内容: https://github.com/matplotlib/ipympl/blob/0.6.1/examples/ipympl.ipynb

ipympl is an interactive backend for matplotlbi that works in both jupyter nobteook and jupyterlab. It has a nice example notebook that explains things like how to interact with other widgets here: https://github.com/matplotlib/ipympl/blob/0.6.1/examples/ipympl.ipynb

对于JupyterLab 3+,安装此程序要容易得多,所以:

Installing this is significantly easier for JupyterLab 3+ So:

pip install --upgrade jupyterlab ipympl



manually create a slider

While interact is convenient it doesn't tend to play well with ipympl as it expects to completely regenerate the output everytime the slider changes.

%matplotlib ipympl

# the rest of your setup code

fig, ax = plt.figure()
img = ax.imshow(volume['slices'][x]['pixel_array'], cmap=plt.cm.gray)

def update_plot(change):

x_slider = IntSlider(round(len(a['slices'])/2,0), 0, (len(a['slices'])-1)
x_slider.observe(update_plot, names='value')



Use mpl-interactions

Manually setting up the slider can be a real hassle. So I wrote a library that to make it easy to control interactive plots using widgets. It handles creating the sliders and does all the correct things such as using set_data for you. It also will use matplotlib sliders if you aren't in a jupyter notebook so it is more portable.

对于您而言,您可能会对 imshow示例或根据数据的结构,还可以使用超切片机.

In your case you would be interested in the imshow exampleor depending on how your data is structured you may also be able to use the hyperslicer.


%matplotlib ipympl

import mpl_interactions.ipyplot as iplt
# other setup stuff
volume = a

def f(x):
    return volume['slices'][x]['pixel_array']

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
controls = iplt.imshow(f, cmap=plt.cm.gray, x = np.arange(0, len(a)-1))


07-29 18:13