我阅读了几个示例,这些示例展示了 pymysql选择输入"应该如何工作.所以,这个例子工作得很好:
I read several examples that show how pymysql "select in" should work. So, this example works just fine:
sql_select = 'SELECT a.user_id, AVG(a.rcount) AS \'average\' ' \
'FROM (SELECT user_id, item_id, count(*) AS rcount ' \
'FROM submission AS qsm ' \
'JOIN metadata as qm ' \
'ON qsm.item_id = qm.id ' \
'WHERE qsm.item_id NOT IN (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 147, 148) ' \
'AND DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(submission_time)) BETWEEN %s AND %s ' \
'AND qm.type != \'survey\' ' \
'GROUP BY user_id, item_id ' \
'ORDER BY user_id) a ' \
'GROUP BY a.user_id'
args = [course_start, course_end]
cur.execute(sql_select, args)
但是,我还想为这个NOT IN"部分添加另一个参数.这里的问题是这个列表是可变的,所以不太确定如何处理这个列表.
But, I would also like to add another argument for this "NOT IN" part. The problem here is that this list is variable, so not quite sure how to handle this one.
使用 PyMySQL 0.7.9 版:
With PyMySQL version 0.7.9:
cells = ('cell_1', 'cell_2')
cursor.execute('select count(*) from instance where cell_name in %(cell_names)s;', {'cell_names': cells})
# or alternately
cursor.execute('select count(*) from instance where cell_name in %s;', [cells])
PyMySQL execute
The PyMySQL execute
documentation describes the two possible forms:
If args is a list or tuple, %s can be used as a placeholder in the query.
If args is a dict, %(name)s can be used as a placeholder in the query.