

我已经开始玩JavaFX 2了,我真的很喜欢使用FXML创建UI的便捷性.但是,一旦您了解了基本示例,并且需要具有许多窗口的UI,将整个应用程序UI的定义包含在单个FXML文件中似乎是不合逻辑的.

I've started toying with JavaFX 2 and I really like the ease with which one can create a UI with FXML. However, once you get past the basic examples and you need a UI with many windows, it seems illogical to have the definition for the whole application's UI in a single FXML file.


Is it possible to write separate components in separate FXML files and then include them as needed? Say for example that I wanted a window to popup when the user clicks on an item from the main menu; could I write the definition for that window in a separate FXML file, load it at runtime and add it to the node tree?



From FXML perspective there are two approaches:

  1. 只需使用 fx:include 指令可将应用程序拆分为不同fxml文件中的逻辑部分.

  1. Simply use fx:include directive to split application into logical parts in different fxml files.

更高级的方法是将应用程序的各个部分实现为单独的控件".它将具有自己的API(可以非常简单)来提供数据,并且可以在FXML或FX API中使用,例如内置控件.有关如何使用FXML实施的详细信息,请参阅下一个问题:

More advanced way would be to implement parts of your application as separate "controls". Which will have their own (can be very simple) API to provide data and can be used in FXML or FX API like built-in controls. See next question for details how to implement that using FXML: How to pass object created in FXML Controller1 to Controller2 of inner FXML control


07-29 12:36