希望使用完整日历",并将图像包括为事件和可拖动对象.简而言之,很想看看这个示例如何 https://fullcalendar .io/js/fullcalendar-3.0.1/demos/external-dragging.html 可以使用较小的缩略图,而不是文本"My Event 1,My Event 2"等.日历.
Looking to use Full Calendar and to include images as events and draggable. In short, would love to see how this example https://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-3.0.1/demos/external-dragging.html would work with small thumbnails instead of the text "My Event 1, My Event 2" etc. And have that image show up on the calendar.
You can add any image url to your eventObject by adding the attribute "imageurl" inside of the events definition (if you just want the image, don't specify a title):
events: [
title : 'event',
start : '2016-10-12',
end : '2016-10-14',
imageurl:'img/edit.png', //you can pass the image url with a variable if you wish different images for each event
After that, you add the following code in the eventRender, which will add the image icon to the event (16 width and height is a good size for a thumbnail):
eventRender: function(event, eventElement) {
if (event.imageurl) {
eventElement.find("div.fc-content").prepend("<img src='" + event.imageurl +"' width='16' height='16'>");
有关更多详细信息,请参阅以下问题:添加图标( s)在事件的第一行(fullCalendar)
For further details refer to this question: Add Icon(s) in first line of an event (fullCalendar)