我将 OpsCenter 从 5.1.3 升级到 5.2.0(然后升级到 5.2.1).在升级之前,我有一个到本地服务器的计划备份和一个 S3 位置配置,它在 OpsCenter 5.1.3 上运行良好.在升级期间或升级之后,我没有对计划的备份进行任何更改.
I upgraded OpsCenter from 5.1.3 to 5.2.0 (and then to 5.2.1). I had a scheduled backup to local server and an S3 location configured before the upgrade, which worked fine with OpsCenter 5.1.3. I made to no changes to the scheduled backup during or after the upgrade.
升级后的第二天,S3 备份失败.在 opscenterd.log 中,我看到以下错误:
The day after the upgrade, the S3 backup failed. In opscenterd.log, I see these errors:
2015-09-28 17:00:00+0000 [local] INFO:指示代理在 2015 年 9 月 28 日星期一 17:00:00 +0000 开始备份2015-09-28 17:00:00+0000 [本地] 信息:预定作业 458459d6-d038-41b4-9094-7d450e4bac6f 完成2015-09-28 17:00:00+0000 [本地] 信息:快照在所有节点上启动2015-09-28 17:00:08+0000 [] 警告:将请求 d960ad7b-2ccd-40a4-be7e-8351ac038c53 标记为失败:{'sstables': {u'solr_admin': {u'solr_resources'': 155313, 'total_files': 12, 'done_files': 0, 'errors': [u'{:type :opsagent.backups.destinations/destination-not-found, :message "目的地丢失: 62f5a26abce7463bad97},94acu'{:type :opsagent.backups.destinations/destination-not-found, :message "目的地丢失:62f5a26abce7463bad9deb7380979c4a"}', u'{:type :opsagent.backups.destinations/destination-not-found, :message "目标缺失:62f5a26abce7463bad9deb7380979c4a"}',
当我编辑计划的备份作业时,S3 位置不再出现在 OpsCenter 中.当我尝试使用与以前相同的存储桶和凭据重新添加 S3 位置时,出现以下错误:
The S3 location no longer appears in OpsCenter when I edit the scheduled backup job. When I try to re-add the S3 location, using the same bucket and credentials as before, I get the following error:
位置验证错误:调用/local/backups/destination_validate 超时.
另外,我不知道这是否相关,但为了完整起见,我也在 opscenterd.log 中看到了其中一些错误:
Also, I don't know if this is related, but for completeness, I see some of these errors in the opscenterd.log as well:
WARN:不存在用于定义文件更新的 http 代理.这可能是由于 SSL 导入失败.
我在 DataStax Enterprise 4.5.1 或 4.7.3 中得到了这种行为.
I get this behavior with either DataStax Enterprise 4.5.1 or 4.7.3.
自从更新到 OpsCenter 5.2.x 后,我一直遇到完全相同的问题,并且能够正常工作.
I have been having the exact same problem since updating to OpsCenter 5.2.x and just was able to get it working properly.
我删除了上一个答案中建议的所有设置,然后在 us-west-1、us-west-2 和 us-standard 中创建了新的存储桶.在此之后,我能够成功地快速轻松地将所有这些添加为目的地.
I removed all the settings suggested in the previous answer and then created new buckets in us-west-1, us-west-2 and us-standard. After this I was able to successfully able to add all of those as destinations quickly and easily.
在我看来,问题在于 OpsCenter 可能试图列出您最初配置的存储桶中的对象,在我的情况下,我们使用的 2 个现有对象分别具有 11TB 和 19GB 的数据.
It appears to me that the problem is that OpsCenter may be trying to list the objects in the bucket that you configure initially, which in my case for the 2 existing ones we were using had 11TB and 19GB of data in them respectively.
This could explain why increasing the timeout for some worked and not others.
这篇关于无法使用 OpsCenter 5.2.1 备份到 S3的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!