I'm having trouble converting a postscript (.eps) file to any kind of image.Whenever I use PIL to save the loaded .eps file the quality of it is horrible and text rendered in tkinter is unreadable. I think this is because the .eps file is some sort of vector image and saving it using PIL doesn't render the correct resolution but I'm not sure.
Does anyone know how I could either save a PostScript file at a higher resolution (not in command line if possible) or any other methods of saving tkinter canvases as images? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To give some context; I am trying to make a python script that takes a tkinter canvas and saves the image so that it can be displayed in a browser all in real-time and on page load.
Ghostscript 可以做到:
gs -o output.png -sDEVICE=pngalpha input.eps
通过添加 -r ...
gs -o output.png -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r300 input.eps
ImageMagick 也可以做到:
convert input.eps output.png
convert -density 300 input.eps output.png
但是,ImageMagick仍然会调用Ghostscript并将其用作汉的'代表'悬挂PostScript输入。可以通过在命令行中添加 -verbose
来看到。 (缺少随附的Ghostscript安装的ImageMagick安装将不适用于EPS输入文件!)
However, ImageMagick will call Ghostscript anyway, employing it as its 'delegate' for handling PostScript input. This can be seen by adding -verbose
to the command line. (An ImageMagick installation that lacks an accompanying Ghostscript installation will not work with EPS input files!)
如此好直接使用Ghostscript ...
So better go with Ghostscript directly...