我正在开发一个模块,它必须处理来自外部系统的许多事件.我必须使用第三方类提供一个事件 (OnNewMessage),将一些参数作为输入传递,两个作为输出传递,每个事件都需要大量时间才能被处理.我想以并行方式处理这些事件,以避免阻塞调用者并并行处理多个请求.
I’m developing a module that has to handle many events coming from an external system.I’ve to use a third party class providing an event (OnNewMessage) passing some parameters as input and two as output, each event require a bunch of time in order to be processed. I’d like to serve these events in a parallel way, in order to avoid blocking the caller and to process multiple request in parallel.
void Init()
provider.OnNewMessage += new OnMessageEventHandler(processEvent);
void processEvent(string xml, int …, out string resultXML, out string description)
在 C# 3.5 中执行此操作的最佳方法是什么?
Which is the best approach to do this in C# 3.5?
I would use a queue to store the events, and then consume that queue from a bounch of thread from the thread pool.