本文介绍了Javascript WebRTC库的当前状态?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我想知道哪个框架或库最适合使用WebRTC。这里是一个小而不完整的库/ SDK列表。任何我忘记的库,请随时告诉我: 库: simpleRTC RTCMultiConnection crocodileRTC lynckia / licode (这对于他们的服务器端MCU来说更有趣) holla (由twelephone使用) peerjs (数据频道) rtc.io li> webrtc.io (几乎一年不变) li> webrtc-data.io (已删减,仅限数据版本的webrtc.io) talky.io (使用simpleRTC) easyRTC (priologic) tawk (使用easyRTC ,priologic) rtccopy (使用webrtc-data.io) 用于实现的教程/资源: $ b http://badassjs.com/post/43090030238/peerjs-a-peer-to-peer-networking-library-in-javascript 有人对所有框架进行了比较吗?它将帮助那些刚接触WebRTC的人。 更新 在研究WebRTC作为一种新技术后,我找不到比您的经验更完整的来源。 非常感谢。解决方案这应该让你开始:-)如果你专注于你的问题,我们可以将你指向一个更小的列表。这也并不意味着详尽,但应该有通常的嫌疑人。 MCU lynckia / licode - 开源 meetecho(janus) - 开源 kurento - 开源 jitsi(meetme) - 开源 meedoze - 开源 媒体汤 - 开源 acano - 2016年由cisco买入 pexip openClove tokbox(mantis) - 无法与平台分开购买 信号 holla(由twelephone使用) openPeer(hookflash) API / SDK twilio(仅限音频) requestec(product:saypage) plivo Tokbox QuickBlox openClove li> tropo(仅限音频) weemo voximplant(audio ) Priory(easyRTC,tawk.com,proPhone) Dialogic bistri li> Apidaze CafeX hookflash Apizee(apiRTC) & yet(simpleRTC) RTCMultiConnection(muazkhan,demo) crocodileRTC - 公司已购买/吸收了三次。我不知道这个库的状态是什么,你可能需要联系peter dunkley进行更新。 peerjs(数据通道) rtc.io webrtc.io(近一年没有更改) webrtc-data.io(精简版,webrtc的仅数据版本产品 webrtc talky.io(使用simpleRTC) tawk(使用easyRTC) rtccopy(使用webrtc-data.io) twelephone 教程 p> http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/basics/ http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/infrastructure/ http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/datachannels/ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/API / WebRTC / Peer-to-peer_communications_with_WebRTC https:// bitbucket.org/webrtc/codelab I want to know that which framework or library is best to use WebRTC. Here is a small and incomplete list of libraries/SDK out there. Any lib that I forgot, feel free to let me know:Libraries:simpleRTCRTCMultiConnectioncrocodileRTClynckia/licode (This is more interesting for theirserver side, MCU)holla (used by twelephone)peerjs (data channel)rtc.iowebrtc.io (no changes foralmost a year)webrtc-data.io (stripped down, dataonly version of webrtc.io)talky.io (uses simpleRTC)easyRTC (priologic)tawk (uses easyRTC, priologic)rtccopy (uses webrtc-data.io)Tutorial/resource for implementing:WebRTC Experiments & Demoshttp://badassjs.com/post/43090030238/peerjs-a-peer-to-peer-networking-library-in-javascriptHas somebody done a compare of all the frameworks? It would help those who are new to WebRTC.UpdateHaving researched on WebRTC as a new technology, I could not find a more complete source than your experience. I decided to post this question in order to make a trigger that will compare the available sources.Thanks a lot. 解决方案 That should get you started :-) If you were focussing your question, we could point you to a smaller list. That is is also by no mean exhaustive, but should have the usual suspects.MCUlynckia/licode - open sourcemeetecho (janus) - open sourcekurento - open sourcejitsi (meetme) - open sourcemeedoze - open sourcemedia soup - open sourceacano - bought by cisco in 2016pexipopenClovetokbox (mantis) - not available separately from the platformSignalingholla (used by twelephone)openPeer (hookflash)API / SDKtwilio (audio only)requestec (product: saypage)plivoTokboxQuickBloxopenClovetropo (audio only)weemovoximplant (audio only?)Priologic (easyRTC, tawk.com, proPhone)DialogicbistriApidazeCafeXhookflashApizee (apiRTC)&yet (simpleRTC)RTCMultiConnection (muazkhan, demo)crocodileRTC - the company has been bought/absorbed three times over. I don't know what is the status of this library, you might want to contact peter dunkley for update.peerjs (data channel)rtc.iowebrtc.io (no changes for almost a year)webrtc-data.io (stripped down, data only version of webrtc.io)Productwebrtc-enterprise.com (uses SkywayJS)talky.io (uses simpleRTC)tawk (uses easyRTC)rtccopy (uses webrtc-data.io)twelephoneTutorialshttp://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/basics/http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/infrastructure/http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/datachannels/https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/API/WebRTC/Peer-to-peer_communications_with_WebRTChttps://bitbucket.org/webrtc/codelab 这篇关于Javascript WebRTC库的当前状态?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-23 01:36