函数通过 doRedis 在群集上运行.在大多数情况下,它是有效的,但是在这种性质的最后,我经常会出错:
I am running the train
function in caret on a cluster via doRedis. For the most part, it works, but every so often I get errors at the very end of this nature:
error calling combine function:
<simpleError: obj$state$numResults <= obj$state$numValues is not TRUE>
Error in names(resamples) <- gsub("^\\.", "", names(resamples)) :
attempt to set an attribute on NULL
5: nominalTrainWorkflow(dat = trainData, info = trainInfo, method = method,
ppOpts = preProcess, ctrl = trControl, lev = classLevels,
4: train.default(x, y, weights = w, ...)
3: train(x, y, weights = w, ...)
2: train.formula(couple ~ ., training.balanced, method = "nnet",
preProcess = "range", tuneGrid = nnetGrid, MaxNWts = 2200)
1: caret::train(couple ~ ., training.balanced, method = "nnet",
preProcess = "range", tuneGrid = nnetGrid, MaxNWts = 2200)
These errors are not easily reproducible (i.e. they happen sometimes, but not consistently) and only occur at the end of the run. The stdout on the cluster shows all tasks running and completed, so I am a bit flummoxed.
Has anyone encountered these errors? and if so understand the cause and even better a fix?
我想您已经解决了这个问题,但是在由linux和Windows系统组成的群集上遇到了相同的问题.我在ubuntu 14.04上运行服务器,并在启动服务器服务时注意到有关在Linux内核中启用透明大页面"的警告.我忽略了该信息,并开始进行培训练习,其中大多数机器都被工人用尽了.运行结束时我收到了相同的错误:
I imagine you've already solved this problem, but I ran into the same issue on my cluster consisting of linux and windows systems. I was running the server on ubuntu 14.04 and had noticed the warnings when starting the server service about having 'transparent huge pages' enabled in the linux kernel. I ignored that message and began running training exercises where most of the machines were maxed out with workers. I received the same error at the end of the run:
error calling combine function:
<simpleError: obj$state$numResults <= obj$state$numValues is not TRUE>
经过大量的头部抓挠和无用的修补后,我决定通过遵循以下说明来解决该警告: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2255151
After a lot of head scratching and useless tinkering, I decided to address that warning by following the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2255151
Essentially, I installed hugeadm using:
sudo apt-get install hugeadm
Then disabled the transparent pages using:
hugeadm --thp-never
Note that this change will be undone on restart of the computer.
When I re-ran my training process it ran without any errors.