

我想在Eclipse中编辑SCSS文件,最好使用 .scss 文件的语法突出显示。

I would like to edit SCSS files in Eclipse, preferably with syntax highlighting for .scss files.


I found these resources valuable:

  • -没有仅用于.scss文件的编辑器。sass

  • -仅具有.scss文件

  • http://sass-lang.com/editors.html - has no editor for .scss files only .sass
  • http://colorer.sourceforge.net/eclipsecolorer - has only .scss files


How can do I integrate SCSS development within the Eclipse editor?


Or, more generally, how do I integrate a CSS pre-processor into Eclipse?



I just figured out how to do this in Eclipse. I admit that this solution does not have 100% SASS support, the colors get a little funky when using nested css, but it's waaaaay better than looking at plain text and you don't need to install a separate editor.

您需要将.scss文件类型与Eclipse中的本机Eclipse CSS编辑器关联起来[第1部分]。完成之后,您还需要将.scss文件类型添加到本机CSS编辑器中,以便CSS编辑器能够打开它[第2部分]。以下是蚀的步骤(我正在为Web开发人员运行Indigo的Eclipse Java EE IDE):

You need to associate the .scss file type with the native Eclipse CSS Editor in Eclipse[Part 1]. After you do that, you need to add the .scss file type to the native CSS Editor as well so the CSS Editor will be able to open it [Part 2]. Here are the steps for eclipse (I'm running Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers, Indigo):

  1. 转到 Window>首选项



In File Associations pane, click the 'Add..." button on the top right.

对于文件类型:,输入 *。scss 并然后单击确定

For File Type:, enter *.scss and then click OK.

找到 *。scss 文件关联列表中选择$ c>条目。

Find the *.scss entry in the File Associations list and select it.

选择<$ c $后c> *。scss ,在底部窗格相关编辑器:中,单击添加... 按钮。

After selecting *.scss, on the bottom pane Associated editors:, click the Add... button.

确保在顶部选择内部编辑器,然后查找并选择 CSS编辑器,然后单击确定

Make sure Internal editors is selected on the top, then find and select CSS Editor and then click OK.


This associated the file type .scss with eclipses native CSS Editor. Now we have to configure the native CSS Editor to support .scss files. To do this, follow this steps:

  1. 转到 Window>首选项s

向下钻取至 General>内容类型

在内容类型窗格中,展开 Text ,然后选择 CSS

In the Content Types pane, expand Text, then select CSS

选择 CSS 后,在底部的文件关联:窗格中,单击 Add ... 按钮。

After CSS is selected, on the bottom File associations: pane, click the Add... button.

对于内容类型:,输入 *。scss ,然后单击确定

For Content type:, enter *.scss and then click OK.



All done. All you need to do now is close any .scss files that you have open then re-open them and wha-la, css colors in Eclipse for .scss files!


Note: If the css colours do not appear you may have to do the following: Right click the .scss file > Open With > CSS Editor.



07-22 19:18