我现在使用 magento 有一段时间了.我想知道是否可以启用货到付款选项仅供管理员使用.我想用它作为商店提货...
I am using magento for a time now. I wanted to know is it possible to enable Cash On Delivery option for admin use only. I want to use it as Store Pickup...
So this way manual orders can be only created in admin panel for those who want Store Pickup.
我不希望它显示在 Magento 前端商店中.
I dont want this to be shown in Magento Frontend Store.
有很多方法可以实现这一点,但它们需要熟悉 Magento 生态系统.我不鼓励使用 CSS 对最终用户隐藏它,因为对 CSS 稍有了解的人可以轻松地取消隐藏它并免费获得购买您的产品的权限.
There are a number of ways to achieve this, but they require a familiarity with the Magento ecosystem. I would discourage using CSS to hide it from the end user, because someone that was slightly knowledgeable about CSS could easily unhide it and gain free access to purchase your products.
I also suggest not override core files (even if you are not editing them), as that will cause upgrade problems in the future.
我最喜欢的方法是启用 Check/Money order 方法,并为自己创建一个小模块,如下所示.前面的考虑都没有在这里产生任何影响.
My favorite method would be to enable to Check/Money order method, and create yourself a small module, like this. Neither of the previous considerations make any effect here.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
class Company_Module_Model_Observer
public function paymentMethodIsActive($observer)
$instance = $observer->getMethodInstance();
$result = $observer->getResult();
if ($instance->getCode() == "checkmo") {
if (Mage::app()->getStore()->isAdmin()) {
$result->isAvailable = true;
} else {
$result->isAvailable = false;
这篇关于货到付款激活仅限管理员(未启用前端)- Magento?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!