


I am reading about list traversals in Algorithms book by RobertSedwick. Function definitions are shown below. It is mentioned that it is possible to have traverse and remove functions can have iterative counter parts, but traverseR cannot have. My question why traverseR cannot have iterative counter part? Is it that if recursive call is not end of function i.e., like in traverse then we cannot have iterative, Is my understanding right?

感谢您的时间和帮助。 / p>

Thanks for your time and help.

void traverse(link h, void visit(link))
    if (h == 0) return;
    traverse(h->next, visit);
void traverseR(link h, void visit(link))
    if (h == 0) return;
    traverseR(h->next, visit);
void remove(link& x, Item v)
    while (x != 0 && x->item == v)
      { link t = x; x = x->next; delete t; }
    if (x != 0) remove(x->next, v);


traverseR 使用调用堆栈存储指向列表所有节点的指针,以便可以按照调用堆栈展开时的相反顺序访问它们。

traverseR uses the call stack to store pointers to all the nodes of the list, so that they can be accessed in reverse order as the call stack unwinds.


In order to do this without a call stack (i.e. non-recursively), you'll need some other stack-like data structure to store these pointers in.


The other functions simply work on the current node and move on, with no need to store anything for use after the recursive function call returns. This means that the tail recursion can be replaced with a loop (either by modifying the code or, depending on the compiler, letting it determine that that's possible and make the transformation itself).


07-17 16:04