我是 Hibernate 的新手,一直在尝试确定它会为您做什么以及它需要您做什么.
I'm quite new to Hibernate and have been trying to determine what it will do for you and what it requires you to do.
一个重要的问题是处理一个对象,该对象具有数据库中尚不存在的依赖项.例如,我有一个 Project 对象,其中包含一个 Manufacturer 字段,该字段接受一个 Manufacturer 对象作为其值.在数据库中,我有一个带有 mfr_id 列的 products 表,该列是对制造商表的引用(一种相当典型的单向一对多关系).
A big one is dealing with an object that has dependants that don't yet exist in the database. For example, I have a Project object that includes a Manufacturer field that accepts a Manufacturer object as its value. In the database I have a products table with a mfr_id column that's a reference to the manufacturers table (a fairly typical unidirectional one-to-many relationship).
If the manufacturer assigned to the product object relates to one that's already in the database then there's no problem. However, when I try to save or update an object that references a manufacturer that hasn't been persisted yet, the operation fails with an exception.
线程应用程序"org.hibernate.TransientObjectException 中的异常:对象引用未保存的瞬态实例 - 在刷新前保存瞬态实例
我当然可以手动检查产品制造商的状态,方法是查看它的 ID 字段是否为空,如果是,则保存它,但这似乎是一个麻烦的解决方案.如果相关依赖项尚未持久化,Hibernate 是否支持自动持久化依赖项?如果是这样,我如何启用该行为?我正在使用与 Netbeans 捆绑在一起的 Hibernate 版本(我相信是 3.5)和用于指定映射行为的内联注释.下面是我的产品和制造商类,减少到处理依赖项的部分.(产品扩展了 Sellable 映射到一个可售表,使用 JOINED 作为继承策略,它是包含标识产品的主键的表)
I can of course manually check the state of the product's manufacturer by seeing if it's ID field is null and saving it if it is, but this seems like a cumbersome solution. Does Hibernate support automatically persisting dependants if the dependant in question isn't yet persisted? If so, how do I enable that behaviour? I'm using the version of Hibernate bundled with Netbeans (3.5, I believe) and inline annotations for specifying the mapping behaviour. Below are my product and manufacturer classes, cut down to the parts that handle the dependency. (Product extends Sellable which maps to a sellable table, using JOINED as the inheritance strategy It's that table that contains the primary key that identifies the product)
@Table (
public abstract class Product extends Sellable {
private Manufacturer manufacturer;
@ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn (name = "mfr_id")
public Manufacturer getManufacturer () {
return this.manufacturer;
* @param manufacturer
public Product setManufacturer (Manufacturer manufacturer) {
this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
return this;
@Table (
uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames="mfr_name")
public class Manufacturer implements Serializable {
private Integer mfrId = null;
private String mfrName = null;
@SequenceGenerator (name = "manufacturers_mfr_id_seq", sequenceName = "sellable.manufacturers_mfr_id_seq", allocationSize = 1)
@GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "manufacturers_mfr_id_seq")
@Column (name="mfr_id", unique=true, nullable=false)
public Integer getMfrId () {
return mfrId;
private Manufacturer setMfrId (Integer mfrId) {
this.mfrId = mfrId;
return this;
@Column(name="mfr_name", unique=true, nullable=false, length=127)
public String getMfrName () {
return mfrName;
public Manufacturer setMfrName (String mfrName) {
this.mfrName = mfrName;
return this;
UPDATE: I tried the following from this question, but I still get the transient object exception.
@ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE})
我还检查了与 Netbeans 捆绑在一起的 Hibernate 版本,它是 3.2.5
I also checked what version of Hibernate is bundled with Netbeans, it's 3.2.5
更新 2:我发现以下内容似乎可以正常工作.
UPDATE 2: I found that the following appears to apparently work as I wanted.
@ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
However, I suspect that this is not the cascade type I really want. If I delete a product, I don't think deleting its associated manufacturer is the correct action, which is what I believe will happen now.
I did try creating a cascade type that consisted of all the types that were available, but that didn't work either. I got the same exception when I tried to save a product that had an unsaved manufacturer associated with it.
@ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REFRESH})
我在几个地方看到过 CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE ,但是在 Netbeans 附带的 Hibernate 版本中似乎没有这种模式.
I've seen CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE mentioned in several places, but that mode doesn't seem to be available in the version of Hibernate that comes with Netbeans.
You have to look at cascading operations; this type of operation permits you to manage lifecycle of inner object respect their parent.
@ManyToOne(cascade) 如果你如果不使用 JPA 函数 Session.saveOrUpdate()
,请使用 Session.persist()
操作或 org.hibernate.annotations.@Cascade
@ManyToOne(cascade) if you use Session.persist()
operation or org.hibernate.annotations.@Cascade
if you use not JPA function Session.saveOrUpdate()
This is just an example, for full doc point here
For your code, if you want to automatically save Manufacturer
when saving Project
@ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = {javax.persistence.CascadeType.PERSIST})
@JoinColumn (name = "mfr_id")
public Manufacturer getManufacturer () {
return this.manufacturer;