我知道在 drupal 模块中使用它来指定只有匿名用户才能看到该模块.指定仅登录用户的回调是什么?
I know that is used in a drupal module to specify that only anonymous users can see that module. What would be the callback that specifies only logged in users ?
I have a page that I only want accessible to logged in users.
这是user_is_logged_in() 函数,它基本上检查用户的 ID ($GLOBALS['user']->uid) 是否大于零.
It is the user_is_logged_in() function, which basically checks that the user's ID ($GLOBALS['user']->uid) is greater than zero.
该函数将 uid 转换为布尔类型,并为任何登录的用户返回 TRUE,因为他们的 uid 为正数.Drupal 为匿名用户分配 uid 为 0,转换为 Boolean 时为 FALSE.
The function converts the uid into a Boolean type and returns TRUE for any user that is logged in, because they would have a uid that is a positive number. Drupal assigns anonymous users a uid of 0, which is FALSE when converted into a Boolean.
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