

$ b

  module Queue (Queue,enq,emptyQueue)其中

数据Queue a = Queue {
inbox :: [a],
outbox :: [a]
}派生( Eq,Show)

emptyQueue ::队列a
emptyQueue =队列[] []

enq :: a - >队列a - >排队
enq x(Queue inb out)= Queue(x:inb)out

- 其他函数定义(无关)...

就我所知,因为我写了 Queue ,而不是 Queue(..) Queue(Queue),我不希望我的数据类型的值构造函数是由模块导出。这正是我想要的,因为封装的目的:用户不应该能够直接使用值构造函数;只有 emptyQueue enq 和我的界面中的其他功能。


  $ ghci Queue.hs 
加载包ghc-prim ...链接...完成。
加载包integer-gmp ...链接...完成。

λ> Queue [1] [2]
Queue {inbox = [1],outbox = [2]}





 :m -Queue 
:m + Queue

您可以稍后使用 $ b

 :m *队列返回一切都可用模式


For practice, I'm implementing a queue data type in a module called "Queue". My data type is also called "Queue", as is its only value constructor:

module Queue (Queue, enq, emptyQueue) where

data Queue a = Queue {
  inbox  :: [a],
  outbox :: [a]
} deriving (Eq, Show)

emptyQueue :: Queue a
emptyQueue = Queue [] []

enq :: a -> Queue a -> Queue a
enq x (Queue inb out) = Queue (x:inb) out

-- other function definitions (irrelevant here)...

As far as I understand, because I wrote Queue, not Queue(..) or Queue(Queue) in the export statement, I don't expect the value constructor of my data type to be exported by the module. This is exactly what I want, for encapsulation purposes: users should not be able to use the value constructor directly; only emptyQueue, enq, and the other functions in my interface.

However (and the solution to my problem may be obvious to seasoned Haskellers), if I load my module in GHCi, I'm able to use the value constructor directly.

$ ghci Queue.hs
GHCi, version 7.8.4: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[1 of 1] Compiling Queue            ( Queue.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Queue.

λ> Queue [1] [2]
Queue {inbox = [1], outbox = [2]}

As stated above, this is undesirable. What am I doing wrong?


You are doing nothing wrong. It's just that, for convenience, ghci ignores scoping rules on modules it loads.

If you want to see what would normally be available, you can

:m -Queue
:m +Queue

You can later return to the "everything is available" mode with

:m *Queue

See also What's really in scope at the prompt? in the official documentation.


08-22 23:19