


I have a class called DBDriver that handles communication with a given table in a database. Its public entry point is a function template called execute_query(), which executes SELECT queries. Upon calling this function, some database logic is performed, and then a provided container (of the template type) is populated with results. This looks something like the following:

class DBDriver {


    template <typename CONT_T>
    void execute_query(const std::string& query, CONT_T& container);



template <typename CONT_T>
void DBDriver::execute_query(const std::string& query, CONT_T& container) {
    DBCursor& cursor = ...  // some database logic here
    populate_container(container, cursor);


Of course, the above will not compile, as populate_container() is not defined in DBDriver.


DBDriver should be purely virtual and have several classes derive from it (one for each database table involved). Each derived class will define its own overloads of populate_container(), one for each relevant container type. This will look something like the following:

class SampleTableDBDriver : public DBDriver {

    // ...

    populate_container(const ContainerTypeOne& container, DBCursor& cursor);
    populate_container(const ContainerTypeTwo& container, DBCursor& cursor);

    // ...


我最初的尝试没有成功,因为我需要在DBDriver中定义一个虚拟函数模板作为派生类的populate_container()重载的入口. (当然,这种事情在C ++中是不存在的,因此是我的问题.)

My original attempt at this was unsuccessful, as I would have needed to define a virtual function template in DBDriver to serve as an entry point to a derived class' populate_container() overloads. (Of course such a thing does not exist in C++, hence my issue.)


Is there a cleaner, idiomatic solution for this type of problem?



The reason why execute_query is a template function is you need a generic container. What if you define a Interface for the container?

class IContainer


Template Functions cannot be virtual. Therefore, you can use the Template Method Design Pattern.

class DBDriver
    void execute_query(const std::string& query, IContainer **_ppContainer);
        DBCursor& cursor = ...  // some database logic here
        populate_container(_ppContainer, cursor);

    virtual void populate_container(IContainer **_ppContainer, DBCursor &_dbCursor) = 0;


And let every derived class implement populate_container and also provide their custom Container.

class SampleTableDBDriver : public DBDriver
        class ContainerTypeOne : public IContainer

        void populate_container(IContainer **_ppContainer, DBCursor &_dbCursor)
              ContainerTypeOne *pContainer = new ContainerTypeOne();
              (*_ppContainer) = pContainer;

SampleTableDBDriver  oSampleDriver;
IContainer *pContainer = NULL;
std::string szQuery = // some query ;
oSampleDriver.execute_query(szQuery, &pContainer);
if(pContainer != NULL)
    SampleTableDBDriver::ContainerTypeOne  *pSampleDriverContainer =

    //use pSampleDriverContainer


For supporting multiple containers.

在您的原始设计中,populate_container似乎在派生类中被重载.在这种情况下,您仍然可以在调用execute_query时从外部传递 exact 容器.此Template Method设计可以完成相同的操作.然后,您将需要在populate_container函数中解密容器的类型,如下所示:

In your original design the populate_container seems to be overloaded in derived classes. In that case you would still pass the exact container from outside while calling execute_query.Same thing can be done with this Template Method design. Then, you will need to decipher the type of container inside the populate_container function as follows:

新签名:int populate_container(IContainer *_pContainer, DBCursor &_dbCursor)

int populate_container(IContainer *_pContainer, DBCursor &_dbCursor)
      if(dynamic_cast<ContainerTypeOne *>(_pContainer) != NULL)
          ContainerTypeOne *pContainerOne = _pContainer;
          //populate the result by using pContainerOne
          return 1;

      if(dynamic_cast<ContainerTypeTwo *>(_pContainer) != NULL)
          ContainerTypeOne *pContainerTwo = _pContainer;
          //populate the result by using pContainerTwo
          return 1;

      //no, I do not support the container you passed.
      return 0;

SampleTableDBDriver  oSampleDriver;
SampleTableDBDriver::ContainerTypeOne oSampleContainerTypeOne;
std::string szQuery = // some query ;
if(oSampleDriver.execute_query(szQuery, &oSampleContainerTypeOne) != 0)
    //use oSampleContainerTypeOne;


08-20 10:58