

 < form action =<?php $ self?>方法= POST > 
< h2> LundaBlogg< / h2>
< div class =fname>< label for =name>< p> Namn:< / p>< / label>< input name = textcols =20onkeyup =EnforceMaximumLength(this,12)/>< / div>

< label for =email>< p> Epost:< / p>< / label>< input name =emailtype = textcols =20/>< / div>
< div class =where>< label for =lund>< p>< / p>< / label>< input name =lund type =textcols =20onkeyup =EnforceMaximumLength(this,40)/>< / div>
< p>您可以使用< / p>< textarea name =postrows =5cols =40onkeyup =EnforceMaximumLength(this,110)> < / textarea的>
< / br>
<! - < form action =uploadImage / upload_file.phpmethod =postenctype =multipart / form-data> - >
< label for =file> Ladda upp en bild med dittinlägg:< / label>
< input type =filename =fileid =file/>
<! - < input type =submitname =submitvalue =Submit/> - >
<! - < / form> - >
< / select>< br />
< p>您可以使用我的邮箱:< / p>
< select name =LundaBloggsize =1> <! - Namnet pda dropdown menyn + size = hurmångarader som ska visa。 - >
< option value =Lund> Lund< / option>
< option value =Cyklar> Cyklar< / option>
< option value =Kultur> Kultur< / option>
< / select>
< input name =sendtype =hidden/>
< p>< input type =submitvalue =skicka/>< / p>
< / form>

我希望能够使用一个提交按钮 input type =submitvalue =skicka我想让我的(代码)

  form action =uploadImage / upload_file.phpmethod =postenctype =multipart / form-data
label =fileLadda upp en bild med dittinlägg:/ label
input type =filename =fileid =file


在我的其他表单中,就像上面的示例一样。 你不能。表单不能嵌套在HTML文档中。


  1. 将第一个表单提交给一个URI

  2. 返回包含来自该URI的新表单的HTML文档

  3. ,使用JavaScript(使用XMLHttpRequest对象)提交表单数据(这是最后一个可靠的选项)。

      <form action="<?php $self ?>" method="post">
                <div class="fname"><label for="name"><p>Namn:</p></label><input name="name" type="text" cols="20" onkeyup="EnforceMaximumLength(this,12)"/></div>
                <div class="femail"><label for="email"><p>Epost:</p></label><input name="email" type="text" cols="20"/></div>
                <div class="where"><label for="lund"><p>Skriv ditt blogg ämne:</p></label><input name="lund" type="text" cols="20" onkeyup="EnforceMaximumLength(this,40)"/></div>
                <p>Starta tråden med att posta något:</p><textarea name="post" rows="5" cols="40" onkeyup="EnforceMaximumLength(this,110)"></textarea>
                    <!-- <form action="uploadImage/upload_file.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> -->
                    <label for="file">Ladda upp en bild med ditt inlägg:</label>
                    <input type="file" name="file" id="file" />
                    <!-- <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/> -->
                    <!-- </form> -->
                    <p>Välj kategori som du vill lägga din post i:</p>
                    <!-- Skapar en dropdown meny med tre värden/value. -->
                    <select name="LundaBlogg" size="1"> <!--  Namnet på dropdown menyn + size = hur många rader som ska visas. -->
                    <option value="Lund">Lund</option>
                    <option value="Cyklar">Cyklar</option>
                    <option value="Kultur">Kultur</option>
                <input name="send" type="hidden"/>
                <p><input type="submit" value="skicka"/></p>

    I want to be able to use one submit button input type="submit" value="skicka" and I want to have my (code)

    form action="uploadImage/upload_file.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
    label for="file"Ladda upp en bild med ditt inlägg:/label
    input type="file" name="file" id="file"


    inside my other form like the example above.


    You cannot. Forms cannot be nested in HTML documents.

    You need to either submit all the data to a single URI (this is the simplest option), or:

    1. have the first form submit to one URI
    2. return an HTML document containing a new form from that URI
    3. have the user submit the second form manually after entering data into it

    or, use JavaScript (with the XMLHttpRequest object) to submit your form data (this is the last reliable option).


08-07 02:23