I create a treepanel and I and create store like var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', { autoload: false, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'data.php', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'results' } } });my server print json look like{ "results": [ { id : '1' , text : '1', expanded: true, children :[ { id : '5' , text : '5', leaf:true}, { id : '6' , text : '6', leaf:true} ] }, { id : '2' , text : '2', leaf:true}, { id : '3' , text : '3', leaf:true}, { id : '4' , text : '4', leaf:true}, { id : '7' , text : '7', leaf:true}, { id : '8' , text : '8', leaf:true}, { id : '9' , text : '9', leaf:true}, { id : '10' , text : '10', expanded: true, children :[ { id : '11' , text : '11', leaf:true}, { id : '12' , text : '12', leaf:true} ] } ]}But when i run my code, i see firebug and that always run GET http://localhost/example/data.php... never stop :(and my tree is added so much doubleHow to fix that thankEditIn real i define my treepanel with alias and using it as xtypeBut i create new example and get same problem.Here is my jsvar store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', { autoload: false, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'data.php', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'results' } } }); Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', { title: 'Simple Tree', width: 200, height: 150, store: store, rootVisible: false, renderTo: Ext.getBody() });And here is my data.phpecho "{ 'success': true, 'variable': 100, 'results': [ { id : '1' , text : '1', expanded: true, children :[ { id : '5' , text : '5', leaf:true}, { id : '6' , text : '6', leaf:true} ] }, { id : '2' , text : '2', leaf:true}, { id : '3' , text : '3', leaf:true}, { id : '4' , text : '4', leaf:true}, { id : '7' , text : '7', leaf:true}, { id : '8' , text : '8', leaf:true}, { id : '9' , text : '9', leaf:true}, { id : '10' , text : '10', expanded: true, children :[ { id : '11' , text : '11', leaf:true}, { id : '12' , text : '12', leaf:true} ] } ]}"; 解决方案 What you have here is something I consider to be a bug in the treestore. When you change the reader to use a root that isn't children, you also need to change every instance of the children property name in the data to the new name too. That means if you want to change the root to results, your tree data would actually have to look something like this:echo "{ 'success': true, 'variable': 100, 'results': [ { 'id' : '1' , 'text' : '1', 'expanded': true, 'results':[ { 'id' : '5' , 'text' : '5', 'leaf':true}, { 'id' : '6' , 'text' : '6', 'leaf':true} ] }, { 'id' : '2' , 'text' : '2', 'leaf':true}, { 'id' : '3' , 'text' : '3', 'leaf':true}, { 'id' : '4' , 'text' : '4', 'leaf':true}, { 'id' : '7' , 'text' : '7', 'leaf':true}, { 'id' : '8' , 'text' : '8', 'leaf':true}, { 'id' : '9' , 'text' : '9', 'leaf':true}, { 'id' : '10' , 'text' : '10', 'expanded': true, 'results':[ { 'id' : '11' , 'text' : '11', 'leaf':true}, { 'id' : '12' , 'text' : '12', 'leaf':true} ] } ]}";The other option is to change the top level results property name to children and mark the root of your store as children. 这篇关于Extjs4.2.1 - 将 json 加载到树面板失败的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-04 02:31