


struct A{ int GetInt(){ return 10; } };
struct B{ int m; };


I want to use object of type A or B in following function

tempate< typename T >
int GetInt( const T & t )
   //if it's A, I'll call: return t.GetInt();
   //if its' B, I'll call: return t.m;

现在,由于有很多类,一些包含GetInt一些不,我不想为每个类型写专门化,我只想通过包含GetInt()或不在编译时来区分它们,我应该怎么做? / p>

Now, because there are whole bunch of classes, some contain GetInt(), some don't, I don't want to write specialization for each type, I only want to distinguish them by 'containing GetInt() or not in compile time', how should I do this ?


从,并假设你修复你的代码,因此 GetInt is const,我们得到:

Stealing from here, and assuming you fix your code so GetInt is const, we get:

HAS_MEM_FUNC(GetInt, has_GetInt);

template <bool B>
struct bool_type
    static const bool value = B;

typedef bool_type<true> true_type;
typedef bool_type<false> false_type;

namespace detail
    template <typename T>
    int get_int(const T& pX, true_type)
        return pX.GetInt();

    template <typename T>
    int get_int(const T& pX, false_type)
        return pX.m;

template <typename T>
int get_int(const T& pX)
    return detail::get_int(pX,
                            has_GetInt<T, int (T::*)() const>::value);


This is pretty awful design though. You should fix the problem rather than apply a patch.


07-30 01:45