I was recently setting up some data for a test case checking rounding errors on the float data type, and ran into some unexpected results. I expected that cases t2 and t3 would produce the same result as t1, but that is not the case on my machine. Can anyone tell me why?
我怀疑造成这种差异的原因是在编译时对t2和t3进行了评估,但令我惊讶的是编译器完全忽略了我的尝试强制其在评估期间使用中间浮点数据类型。 c#标准中是否有某些部分要求使用最大可用数据类型来评估常量,而不管指定了哪种常量?
I suspect the reason for the difference is that t2 and t3 are evaluated at compilation, but I'm surprised that the compiler completely ignores my attempts to force it to use an intermediate float data type during evaluation. Is there some part of the c# standard that mandates evaluating constants with the largest available data type, regardless of the one specified?
这是在win7 64位intel机器上运行.net 4.5.2。
This is on a win7 64-bit intel machine running .net 4.5.2.
float temp_t1 = 1/(3.0f);
double t1 = (double)temp_t1;
const float temp_t2 = 1/(3.0f);
double t2 = (double)temp_t2;
double t3 = (double)(float)(1/(3.0f));
System.Console.WriteLine( t1 ); //prints 0.333333343267441
System.Console.WriteLine( t2 ); //prints 0.333333333333333
System.Console.WriteLine( t3 ); //prints 0.333333333333333
人们经常对一致性有疑问浮点计算。在这一点上,.NET Framework几乎没有任何保证。 :
People often have questions about the consistency of floating point calculations. There are almost no guarantees given by the .NET Framework on this point. To quote Eric Lippert:
In this particular case, the answer is straight-forward. The raw IL for a release build:
IL_0000: ldc.r4 0.333333343
IL_0005: conv.r8
IL_0006: ldc.r8 0.33333333333333331
IL_000f: stloc.0
IL_0010: ldc.r8 0.33333333333333331
IL_0019: stloc.1
IL_001a: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(float64)
IL_001f: ldloc.0
IL_0020: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(float64)
IL_0025: ldloc.1
IL_0026: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(float64)
IL_002b: ret
All arithmetic here is done by the compiler. In the Roslyn compiler, the fact that temp_t1 is a variable causes the compiler to emit IL that loads a 4-byte float and then convert it to a double. I believe this is consistent with previous versions. In the other two cases, the compiler does all arithmetic at double precision and stores those results. It is not surprising that the second and third cases don't differ because the compiler does not retain local constants in the IL.