I'm going through the full tutorial at cplusplus.com, coding and compiling each example manually. Regularly, I stumble upon something that leaves me perplexed.
I am currently learning this section: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/structures/ . There are some subtleties that could easily be overlooked by only reading the tutorial. The advantage of typing everything by hand is that such details do stand out.
In the above page, there are two sample programs. One has this line:
stringstream(mystr) >> yours.year;
(stringstream) mystr >> pmovie->year;
我不了解的是类型之间的区别(如果有) (myVar)= x;
和(type)myVar = x;
I am not doing the whole tutorial in sequential order. I checked but didn't find this addressed anywhere, though I may have missed it.
- 有什么区别吗?
- 是否存在一种首选方法而不是另一种方法?
。这两个是完全等效的。对于类,大多数人更喜欢 type(x)
,但这纯粹是对的自己选择。两者都调用带有一个参数 x
There is no difference between type(x)
and (type)x
. These two are completely equivalent. Most people prefer type(x)
for classes and (type)x
for non-class types, but that's purely up to one's own choice. Both call constructors for classes with one argument x
类的首选方式是 type(x)
,因为这允许向构造函数传递多个参数,例如 type(x,y)
将不起作用:它强制转换 x
,然后应用逗号运算符,并单独评估 y
这样的括号无济于事:这将评估 x
和 y ,然后将 y
转换为 type
The preferred way for classes is type(x)
, because this allows passing more than one argument to the constructor, as in type(x, y)
. Trying to apply the other form, (type)x, y
will not work: It casts x
, and then applies the comma operator and evalutes y
in isolation. Parentheses like (type)(x, y)
do not help: This will evaluate x
and y
in isolation using the comma operator and then cast y
to type
对于非类类型,这样的强制转换通常过于强大。 C ++具有 static_cast< type>(x)
,用于大致执行隐式转换的逆向操作(例如将基类转换为派生类并转换 void *
For non-class types, such a cast is often too powerful. C++ has static_cast<type>(x)
for roughly doing the reverse of an implicit conversion (such as casting base classes to derived classes and casting void*
to another pointer), which often is what fits in. See When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?.
不是函数。执行 function(x)
is not a function, though. Doing function(x)
will call it the function, but doing (function)x
is illegal, beause there are two expressions next to each other, with no operator in between.
对于那些不相信这个答案,并且对直觉感到不满的人,请查阅 5.2.3 / 1
For those who don't believe this answer, and downvote it on gut feeling, please consult the Standard at 5.2.3/1