我试图加载从一个PNG图像,采用移动地图。为了节省内存 之后我加载位图我做这样的事情。
I am trying to load a movement map from a PNG image. In order to save memory after I load the bitmap I do something like that.
`Bitmap mapBmp = tempBmp.copy(Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8, false);`
如果我画的mapBmp我可以看到地图,当我使用与getPixel(),我得到 总是0(零)。
If I draw the mapBmp I can see the map but when I use getPixel() I get always 0 (zero).
有没有一种方法来检索位图比其他α信息 用与getPixel()?
Is there a way to retrieve ALPHA information from a bitmap other than with getPixel() ?
我能找到一个很好的和那种干净的方式来创建边界地图。我创建一个从开始的ALPHA_8位图。我画我的边界地图与路径。然后,我使用 copyPixelsToBuffer()和字节调成的ByteBuffer。我使用缓冲区从的getPixels。我认为这是一个很好的解决方案,因为你可以缩小或向上的路径(),并提请在所需的屏幕分辨率规模,没有IO +的code业务的边界地图。Bitmap.getPixel()是没有用的ALPHA_8位图,它总是返回0。
I was able to find a nice and sort of clean way to create boundary maps. I create an ALPHA_8 bitmap from the start. I paint my boundry map with paths. Then I use the copyPixelsToBuffer() and transfer the bytes into a ByteBuffer. I use the buffer to "getPixels" from.I think is a good solution since you can scale down or up the path() and draw the boundary map at the desired screen resolution scale and no IO + decode operations.Bitmap.getPixel() is useless for ALPHA_8 bitmaps, it always returns 0.