

我需要使用存储在文件中的数据创建数据框。为此,我想使用 read_csv 方法。然而,分离器不是很规则。一些列由制表符( \t )分隔,其他由空格分隔。此外,一些列可以由2或3或更多个空格分隔,甚至由空格和制表符的组合(例如3个空格,两个制表符,然后1个空格)分隔。

I need to created a data frame using data stored in a file. For that I want to use read_csv method. However, the separator is not very regular. Some columns are separated by tabs (\t), other are separated by spaces. Moreover, some columns can be separated by 2 or 3 or more spaces or even by a combination of spaces and tabs (for example 3 spaces, two tabs and then 1 space).


Is there a way to tell pandas to treat these files properly?


By the way, I do not have this problem if I use Python. I use:

for line in file(file_name):
   fld = line.split()


And it works perfect. It does not care if there are 2 or 3 spaces between the fields. Even combinations of spaces and tabs do not cause any problem. Can pandas do the same?


从,可以使用正则表达式或 delim_whitespace

From the documentation, you can use either a regex or delim_whitespace:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> for line in open("whitespace.csv"):
...     print repr(line)
'a\t  b\tc 1 2\n'
'd\t  e\tf 3 4\n'
>>> pd.read_csv("whitespace.csv", header=None, delimiter=r"\s+")
   0  1  2  3  4
0  a  b  c  1  2
1  d  e  f  3  4
>>> pd.read_csv("whitespace.csv", header=None, delim_whitespace=True)
   0  1  2  3  4
0  a  b  c  1  2
1  d  e  f  3  4


09-05 13:30